11:58 pick me up: bangchan

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Your POV

"Wait, if a equals two and b equals six how. . . You know what I'm done, I'm done," I tell myself, dropping my pen and backing away from the desk.

I have been studying and working for hours, and I have gotten nowhere. There is no point to this I think. It's not like I am ever going to use this. I pull myself back to the desk and reorganize my things. I stack my books and place them into my bag. My phone lights up on the table, displaying the time and a new text.

What are you doing?

Why is he texting me? I wonder, unlocking my phone. Bangchan and I aren't friends nor enemies, we're acquaintances I guess you could say. He is the guy on campus that every girl is head over heels for. Along with being the guy every other guy competes to be. I will say, he is very kind, and maybe, just maybe, a little cute.

Just finished studying

I put my phone back on the desk and continue to put my things away. I push the chair in and flip my bag onto my back. My phone lights up in my hand.

Wow, isn't it a bit late to be studying????

I push the library doors open and chuckle at his text.

Isn't it past your bedtime?

I continue walking down the hall. I suddenly hear a voice. I stop walking, looking around the hall making sure there is no one. No what, dummy, get out. Then, we can decide if there is a murder in the school. I speed walk down the hall, and down the stairs.

"Ouch!" I say, sitting on the ground.

I look up to see, "Chris?"

"Y/N! Are you okay?" He asks, a concerned look on his face. He holds out his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I tell him, taking his hand as he pulls me off the ground.

"Are you sure? Let me see," Chris says, patting me, checking if I am hurt.

What's wrong with his voice? I notice how he sounds sick, or like he has been crying.

"Are you okay?" I ask, noticing his red eyes.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm okay. Why?" He replies, blinking a few times.

"You sound sick, do you have a cold?" I question, placing my hand on his forehead.

"Well, you don't feel hot," I say, taking my hand off his forehead.

Chan clears his throat, "I'm not sick that's why!" He chuckles, showing off his dimples.

"Follow me," I say, taking his hand and running out of the school.

"Where are we going?" He asks, a laugh in between. I look back and see him smile.

"Just follow me!" I tell him.

Bangchan's POV

That was a close one, I think. I had been crying earlier, and the only person that came to my mind was, Y/N. I don't know why but, when I am with them/her/him all my worries are gone. I feel like I can just be me. Y/N is one of the few people that doesn't expect me to be someone I am not.

"Why are we here?" I ask Y/N, looking at the water.

"I like to come here when I am sad, or stressed" S/he/they tell(s) me, hoping over the wall onto the sand.

"Come on" Y/N say, waving for me to come. I sigh, and hop over the small wall.

I jog over to Y/N. I can feel the sand kick up beneath me, flying into the air.

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