9: Raelyn (Blaire)

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A/N: I know I dont normally do a recap, but i figured since I havent updated in a while, I would.......

The song (Nothing by The Script. Thank you Lily for getting me to love that song >.<) may not play on your phone or stuff.... it wasn't working for me.

Fair warning.

I really love Girl Scout cookies.

But Girl Scouts is amazing.

Ok enough of my rambling.

Let me know what you think :)


Chapter 9

"Now, whats your choice? Stay here? Or go to the past? If you go to the past, you will have a better chance of saving your family."

I thought for a few minutes. We sat in silence.

If I stayed here, I wont have much of a chance to save my family, and no matter how badly they treated me, I couldnt bear for them to get hurt.

If I went to the past, I would be leaving James, Al, Lily, Ginny and Harry. But I could save their parents and so many more.

Im just not so sure which place to go.


"If you w-won't b-be mad, I think I-Im going to g-go to the past. I need to s-save my birth family." I stuttered in reply.

Harry smiled knowingly.

"I figured you would pick that. Its fine, I shouldnt have waited so long, its been busy, you know?" he told me. I laughed a little.

"Im sorry to upset you further, if I do, but you will have to leave tomorrow. I would suggest packing now or tonight. Okay?" Harry continued. I nodded and stood up.

Probably surprising him, I hugged him "Thank you. For giving me a choice. Most would just assume my answer, and not give me any choice in the matter" I told him. No one, except a friend of mine, Trinity, knew this. I keep most of my feelings inside.

I pulled away, and Harry was smiling at me. I looked in his eyes, and didnt see a lot of pity. Just a tiny bit, but you would only see it, if you looked close enough.

-=-=-=-=-=-the next day-=-=-=-=-=-
I packed my things last night.

And I had cried all throughout the process.

"Raelyn! Come on! Get up! Kreacher and Millie made pancakes and bacon!" James chanted, bursting into my room. As soon as I heard bacon, I shot up. There was a mirror across from my bed, so when I sat up, I saw my eyes were all red and puffy and there were tear stains down my face.

I used my metamorphagus powers and got rid of it instantly.

"I know you were crying. I heard you last night. Are you okay?" James asked me, concern all over his face.

"I dont know if Im supposed to tell you, but oh well. Im leaving." I said, completely serious. James starting laughing.

"Seriously? Oh come on! Thats the best joke I've heard in a while, and I live with Albus!" He exclaimed. I looked at him dead in the face, and he stopped immediately.

"Y-you're not joking, are you?" He stuttered in reply. I shook my head sadly.

"I'm sorry James. Harry only told me last night." I told him. His face changed emotion fairly quickly. It went from confused to angry to sad.

I smiled sadly and got a bag from the back of my door. Walking to the bathroom, I thought about how Albus and Lily would react.

Lily would cry and beg me not to go, then after I leave, cry on Harry or Ginny.

Al would be extremely upset, but not show it to much, and try to convince me to stay. After I leave, well, he would hibernate in his room until school starts again. Even then, I wonder if he would.

Al is like the twin I never had, while James is more like the over protective brother. And Lily, is well, the best friend and best little sister I could ever want.

I got dressed and ready for the day, putting my dirty clothes in my room on the way downstairs for breakfast.

"Hello Lynn" Ginny said kindly as I walked in. I smiled at her and sat down. In front of me, was pancakes and bacon and a glass of apple juice. Just like James had said. (Well, minus the apple juice, but you get it. I hope.)

I ate somewhat quickly, and walked back upstairs to my room.

"You can't hide from the truth forever, Rae. You know that." a male voice said from behind me. I knew who it was the moment he started speaking.

"I already told James, Harry. He looked like a disaster killed everyone and it was his fault. I don't want to see what Al and Lily's reaction will be." I replied.

"I told them you had to leave already. James had a knowing look, and stayed emotionless. This was right after you left, by the way. And Albus and Lily looked completely devastated. Both tried to convince me to make you stay. I had to hex them to stay quiet for more then 10 seconds." Harry explained, and all I did was nod in response.

I sat down on my bed, and faced Harry.

"What will I have to do? I know I'm not going to the past, well, like this." I asked, hopefully not having to change to much.

He smiled and replied, "I'm only going to use a simple age-changing spell and make you 5 years old.

"Once you get there, D-Dumbledore will take you to where you are going, and from there when you turn 10, you will go to Durmstrang. When Dumbledore sees fit, he will bring you to Hogwarts. Whether that be your 3rd year, or 6th, it doesn't matter.

"One last thing. you won't remember any of this. None of your former life, none of you living with me and Ginny and the kids. Once you turn 12 though, you will get painful nightmare form dreams of what has happened. They aren't supposed to be painful, but it more likely will be then not. Are you okay? Do you understand?"

I nodded, not knowing what to say. What if no one likes me there? What if life there, turns out to be like what I had before I got kidnapped?

"Raelyn? You have to go. I'm sorry." Ginny said softly, breaking my thoughts.

I stood up, and took notice of my shaking. I took hold of my trunk that Harry and Ginny had given me.

"You ready?" Harry asked. I nodded, but at the same time, I replied, "No. Not really. What if they don't like me? What if-" and Harry stopped my 'What if's' by holding up his hand. I stopped and looked down.

"You will be absolutely fine, Raelyn. Trust me."

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