20: Jamie

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Chapter 20

"I don't necessarily care where you sit, but I wouldn't suggest with the Gryffindors. They won't take kindly to you being related to me. Neither will the Hufflepuffs for that matter." Severus explained to me. I knew where I was going to sit, with the Gryffindors. Just to piss him off. And because Remus is awesome.

"Alrighty. I'm gonna sit with the Gryffindors." I said, smirking. The Potions Master sighed and shook his head.

We walked in and not many people were there yet. I scanned the Gryffindor table and saw a familiar face. Two familiar faces in fact. My old friends Anna and Harry.

I grew up with the two of them, and I practically ran over to where they sat. Harry sat next to a red headed boy and across from a bushy haired girl, while Anna sat next to the girl.

"What's up ducks." I said, plopping down on the other side of Harry. All four of them jumped at stared at me in confusion and had frightened looks. Harry and Anna's faces, however, changed quickly to recognition as they realized what I said.

"Jamie?!" They exclaimed in sync. I nodded and smiled.

"Well, of course. Who else would call you ducks?" I said, with a 'duh' tone. Anna got up and hugged me.

"I've missed you! Where have you been?!" She exclaimed, sitting back on the other side of Harry. I took some chicken and put it on my plate.

"Well, you may not like this." I said, swallowing a piece of my chicken. "But I'm here because my godfather and my uncle work here this year, and my school gets out earlier then you peoples."

"Who's your uncle and godfather?" Harry asked, eating more food. I watched him shovel it in his mouth, as well as the red head.

"And where do you go to school?" Anna added.

"Umm... Severus Snape is my uncle, and Remus Lupin is my godfather. And I go to Durmstrang." I replied, waiting for their reaction. Anna just shrugged and ate some food, while the red head and Harry stared at me. The other girl was to busy with a book to notice me anymore.

"Bloody hell! You're related to Snape?!" The red head exclaimed. I nodded.

"Yep. My mother is his sister, according to what I've been told." I replied, then realized I didn't know his name. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your names?"

"Weird... I'm Ron." he replied, eating more food. I crinkled my nose, at the disgusting picture in front of me. He swallowed and continued. "Ron Weasley. And that's Hermione Granger. She's taking too many classes and has to catch up on her homework." That comment made the girl - Hermione - smack him in the arm with her book.

"At least I'm doing my homework, Ronald." She seethed, glaring at her friend. I giggled, and saw Anna doing the same. I leaned behind Harry and whispered to my brunette friend.

"Are they together yet?"

"Nope. I'm betting by the time we get out of Hogwarts." we laughed and the other three looked at us oddly. I shrugged and ate some more.

"Are you transferring to Hogwarts?" Hermione asked me, finally putting her books down and ate some food.

"No... My gaurdians both work here this year, and they won't trust me alone for a few weeks alone in a house." I replied, remembering a time I did not want to remember.

"Yeah... Remember that time-" Harry started explaining, when I shushed him and put my hand over his mouth.

"We do not speak of it." I said, most likely sounding a bit to suspicious for my liking. Anna rolled her eyes and stared off into space.

"I wanna blow something up." Anna said suddenly. I laughed and shook my head.

"Can I help?" I replied, and Harry laughed along with us. The other two just stared at us weirdly.

"Sure, why not? The Weasley twins will be happy to help." she told me, and I looked at her quizzically. She only shrugged. "Of course, after they eat."

The five of us talked for the rest of the meal (well, Hermione was to into her book, and Anna kept staring off into space, so the boys and I talked) and I left them for uncle Severus' room.

I found the doe portrait and said the password ("Asphodel and Wormwood").

"Uncle Sev?" I called, walking into the room. I got no answer, so I assumed he was still in the great hall. I shrugged to myself, and walked through the halls to my room.

I came across a door painted emerald green and the deathly hallows painted in black. My room.

The room, before I claimed it as mine, had cream colored walls and a bed in the middle, with white shelves around the room. After I took it over, the bed sheets became green and white. The shelves have been covered in books and other miscellaneous things I've collected. There's a desk in the corner, with a green chair on wheels.

My room here, is the same as it is in Remus' house, and at Severus' house (not in Hogwarts). I absolutely love it.

I changed into pajamas with quidditch things on the fabric, and plopped down on my bed, promptly falling asleep.

(Yet again, I planned on ending here, but its to short for me... Continue on ;] )


"Jamie... Jamie wake up..." someone chanted while shaking me. I ignored them and pulled the covers over my head, and turning away from the voice.

"Jamie Michaela, get up right now." the person demanded. I shook their hand off my shoulder, and attempted to go back to sleep.

"I guess it comes down to this." The person sighed. Suddenly, I felt the blankets pulled off of my body.

"What. The. Hell." I growled. I turned over, and saw Severus standing there next to my bed.

"It's a little past breakfast. It came time to wake you up." He replied, feigning any innocence in this he had. I growled again, something I may or may not have learned from Remus when I get angry.

"I knew the mutt was teaching you things you shouldn't know, but how to growl? That's just abuse in a way." Sev muttered as he walked out. I changed into one of my favorite outfits (sea blue skinny jeans, black converse, a loose white shirt that says 'I'll join you when hell freezes over' and my necklaces from my parents <see external link [Its on chapter 6, but I'm changing the way they look, so I'll put them here and there]>. I then braided my hair in a French braid).

I walked out of my room, feeling extremely tired, yet energetic at the same time.

"What's up Sev?" I said, walking into his small kitchen. I grabbed two pieces of bread, and magically toasted them.

"Nothing really." he replied, a little to quickly. I watched him shove a newspaper under the table.

"What's wrong with the newspaper? And don't think I've noticed you and Remus have cancelled my subscriptions. And now they won't let me re-subscribe!" I exclaimed, making him jump a bit from my outburst.

"T-There's nothing wrong with the newspaper. Nothing at all. I had absolutely nothing to do with canceling your subscriptions." He said, stumbling on his words, which is a tell tale he's lying.

"Hmm. Well, when you're ready to tell me, let me know." I said, stomping off with my toast.

"If only she knew what we're keeping from her." I heard Severus whisper before I left his quarters.



I have written another chapter!

So, my eighth grade class and I got to go to Splish Splash three days ago (is that Wednesday??) and I was stupid. So extremely stupid enough not to put sunscreen on.

So now I can barely move with out being in pain.


Okey I'm done.


Tori <3

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