29: Raelyn

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Chapter 29

"I will send word when I want you in my office, Miss Potter. Your brother will be fine." Dumbledore said, exiting the common room. Minnie followed, with James in tow; probably to the hospital wing.

"I almost killed him." I whispered, as it wasn't real to me. I had almost killed my own brother, whether it was by blood or not.

"It's okay, James is fine." Sirius said, putting his arm on my shoulder. I felt Remus give him a light glare, but held onto my hand.

"You want to stay the night in our room?" Remus asked. I shook my head no and stood up. I ruffled Sirius' hair, and hugged Remus before bidding them goodnight and walking up the girl's stairs to my dorm.

When Dumbledore called me to his office, he explained that I have control over the elements, and that earth is my strongest. After that, I went once a week to gain control over my powers. It was pretty awesome.

My first Christmas with a boyfriend was pretty sweet. The guys came to James and I's house on Christmas day, and I convinced Lily to come over, though she wasn't very happy about it. Ari and I also got really close, so the last week of vacation she stayed with us. Sirius spent a long time hitting on Ari, but every time I mentioned Michaela, he shut up and didn't dare look at Ari the rest of the day. He must really like Michaela, and I know Michaela likes him a lot, but she won't even look my way. I think Severus had something over her, because he was always smirking when she wasn't near me.

Soon enough, June came and it came time for OWL exams. I was pretty nervous, but I was sure I passed them all. I had decided I would become a Hogwarts professor, in what subject, I was unsure of. Minnie said I could be a Teachers Assistant though, if I couldn't decide. What was really scary though, was a week after exams, the week before school ended.

"Rae, c'mon just a game, pleaseeeee???" James begged. The boys all wanted me to play a game of Exploding Snap, and I didn't want to. I wasn't even sure what I wanted to do, just something.

"How 'bout I go to the kitchens and get some food, while you guys set up then. Good?" I reasoned. Exploding Snap was also one of my least favorite games. I loved chess, probably because I always beat James.

James sighed, but agreed, as did Sirius. Peter jumped up right away at the mention of food. And Remus offered to go with me.

So off Remus and I went under James' invisibility cloak, on our way to the kitchens. I tickled the pear, and we hopped in quickly, taking the cloak off in the process.

"Miss Raelyn, Master Remus, what can Trevor assist you with?" A cute house elf greeted. I smiled and told him what we wanted.

"We need two of everything chocolate. Cake, sweets, anything." Trevor nodded and ran off. Five minutes later, he came running back with two huge grocery bags full of sweets.

"Anything else Miss?" He asked in a very perky voice. Hmmm...

"Can I have a refill on my chocolate frog stash? I'm sure Remus here needs more too." I replied, thankfully remembering I needed a refill. Trevor ran off to get my order of chocolate.

"You have a stash?" Remus asked as we waited. I nodded.

"Of course. There's a loose floorboard under the window in my dorm, and nobody likes sleeping next to the window. I stash it all there, after I charm it not to go bad." I explained and he nodded, looking impressed.

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