17: Raelyn

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Chapter 17

If only I knew the horrors in store for my two years from that day.


Going to school in France was a lot of fun. Apolline was still my absolute best friend, but I missed my old friends, Lily and Severus. I barely saw them and if I did, I don't think they even recognized me. James was still James, teasing me all the time. Although, I think it's pretty sad that he never lets me talk to, or even see his friends. I think he thinks I'll steal them. That's kinda - no completely is - bullshit. I don't want to be friends with his friends, ew. Anyways, even though I loved Beauxbatons, it's extremely girly and I would love to go to Hogwarts.

5 years later (Raelyn: age 15)

"Mum! Dad!" I exclaimed, jumping off the train. I had just finished my 5th year (out of 8) at Beauxbatons Academy.

"Lynn! Oh it's so good to see you!" Mum exclaimed back. I rolled my eyes and pretended to silently choke, and dad laughed behind mum.

Mum finally let go and I moved on to my dad, giving him a tight hug and let go fairly quickly.

"We're apparating, didn't have time to start the car." dad explained and I shrugged, not smiling. I hated apparating, it's horrible.

I grabbed hold of my trunk and my cat's, Fork, (I was twelve!) travel cage thing with my left arm/hand and held onto mum's hand with my right. I felt a pull on my navel and felt claustrophobic. But, as soon as the feeling came, it was gone and I stood in front of my very own home.

"Hey mum?" I asked as we walked up the grass. She gave a "hmm." as an answer so I continued, "When does James come home?"

"A week." dad answered for me. Mum seemed to be off in her own little world at the moment.


We walked inside and I quickly ran my things to my room, letting Fork out before running of course.

And that was basically the last little while of silence before James came home.


A week later, mum shook me awake. I grumbled and turned over.

"Lynn, James comes home from Hogwarts today. If you want to come, you have to get up." mum bribed, and it worked. As soon as se said 'if you want to come' I bolted out of bed and started getting ready. I heard mum chuckle as she walked out of my room.

A half hour later (record timing, even though I'm not a girly girl) I was bounding down the stairs. I looked at the clock and it said 11:30. Train gets to Kings Cross by around 2-2:30. We must be taking the car.

"Morning mum, morning dad!" I chirped as I sat down. Mum made eggs and, guess what? Bacon. Bacon is life. So, while mum ate her breakfast like a usual human, dad and I chomped and ate quickly. I dunno why, we just do.

"We have to leave within ten minutes or so, so help me clean up." mum demanded. The three of us (with the help of Ella and Rigger, the house elves. Millie got sick, otherwise she would be helping as well) cleaned up the table and the dishes and we're done by 12:30. It only took us 20 minutes. Damn.

"Let's go Raelyn! We have to pick up James!" Mum shouted and I rolled my eyes, grabbing my wand from the counter and ran out the door.

We got to Kings Cross by around 2:30, and crossed into the barrier just as the train pulled up.

"Just in time!" I exclaimed and dad chuckled.

"Oh, Lynn sweetie, James is bringing two of his friends over. Is that alright?" Mum said, apparently unaware of the statement I made.

"That's fine. As long as I can actually be near them." I replied, mumbling the last part.

I saw mum wave over, and saw a family of red heads make their way over.

"William! Natalie! Oh, it's wonderful to see you!" Mum exclaimed to the parent-looking people. A tall boy followed them, looking a bit awkward.

"It's great to see you as well, Genevieve, Charles. Is this Raelyn?" The woman, Natalie, replied, equally as excited.

"Yes, Raelyn, this is Natalie Weasley and her husband William. Is this Arthur?" Mum introduced and I gave a small smile.

"Yes. I've heard James is quite the prankster." Natalie remarked. I rolled my eyes. That's one thing we had in common was pranking.

"He gets it from me, just like this little squirt!" Dad exclaimed, ruffling my hair a bit. I playfully glared at him, and said to him and mum,

"I'm gonna find James. He's got to be here somewhere." Mum nodded and dad told me to bring him there when I found him.

After a few minutes of looking, I found him leaning against a post, teasing a boy with long, greasy black hair with two other boys. One boy, had long (but not as long as the other boy's) black hair, and looked like he put a lot of effort into it. Obviously they were too busy teasing to notice me, but I saw his grey eyes had a tint of mischief. Alright, not a tint. If you looked at him, all you would think is mischief. Similar to my brother.

The other boy had a book tucked under his arm, and had scars across his face. His sandy blonde hair looked like it was to long for him and kept getting in his eyes. He seemed pretty smart and nice, and if he wasn't James' friend, he would definitely be a bit cute.

I finally came to my senses after a minute of staring, and stalked over.

I put on my best angry face (although I was actually pretty angry they were picking on someone) and tapped James' shoulder roughly.

"And what, do you think you are doing?" I demanded. My brother's face went from pale, to red in an instant.

"Hey James, is this your girlfriend?" The boy that screamed mischief teased.

I glared at him a pushed him roughly into the book-guy.

"Don't you ever fucking dare call him my boyfriend again, or I will make sure you live in hell." I snapped, and the boy whimpered a bit. I'm not kidding.

"You don't have to threaten him, Lynn, you realize that right?" James said, being mature for once.

"And it's okay for you three to bully someone I think is innocent?"

"How did you-never mind. Wait, when did you come back?"

"Last week. Now, leave the poor boy alone, please." I said, hoping they would listen.

"Fine... C'mon Sirius, Remus. Hey, where's mum and dad?"

"Talking to the Weasleys. You'll see them."

I glared at the mischief boy and turned to the boy now sitting on the floor. I recognized him from somewhere, but couldn't place where.

I offered my hand to help him and he took it, looking relieved.

"I'm sorry about them. Well, at least James." I said, and he shrugged it off.

"It's fine. I'm used to it by now anyways." He replied, looking down.

"You shouldn't be. I have to go though, my parents will be wondering why I'm not with them. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Yeah. See you around."

And with one last smile, I walked away, looking for my parents and stupid twin brother.



Okay, so I may or may not have cracked my phone. Again. So updating may be delayed for that reason (idk why I'm able to be typing this right now)

And also my finals are coming up, so updating may be delayed for that reason as well. Well, more than usual at least.

Let me know if you have any ideas (pranks, characters, story line, I'm open to anything really)

I'll stop wasting your time now.


Tori <3

The Futureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें