25: Raelyn

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Chapter 25

"Potter, Raelyn." I walked up to the stool and I heard whispers about me 'definitely being a Gryffindor' and 'Oh great another Potter'.

"Ahh... I was wondering when I would sort you." a voice said in my head. The hat.

"Yes, I am the hat. Now, you Ms Potter, have a very big destiny ahead of you, more so than your companion."


"Details, details. Now, you are destined for great things. Very loyal, but not necessarily patient, so no Hufflepuff. Very, very smart, but not quick witted enough for Ravenclaw." I had sighed in relief to the Hufflepuff comment, but I was offended with the Ravenclaw one. Really, not quick witted?

"So, the question is Slytherin or Gryffindor. In Slytherin, you could be persuaded to the Dark side in the war, which will help you later on. Or in Gryffindor, you could be saved on the Light side, and have closer friends, but a domino effect could happen and you will be hated by those you love, and loved by those you hate."

"Are you giving me a choice?"

"Yes. I suppose I am. I can't place you. This part is your choice."

"I-um-I guess, Gryffindor. I'll find a way to prepare myself."

"Very well then." As he was about to shout out my house, I asked the hat one last thing.

"Could you say, The Leader of All Candy Universes and beyond is a Gryffinwhore?" The hat had sighed and if it could shake its head, it would.

"If you insist." I smiled brightly as the hat announced my house, exasperatedly.


I laughed my whole way to the table of red and gold.

Then I pulled a Neville, and brought the hat back to Minnie.


"I knew you'd make a Gryffindor!" James shouted to me over all the noise. I laughed and clapped as first years made their way to their sorted houses (though I was quiet when Slytherin was mentioned).

After we ate an amazing meal, Dumbledore made some announcements (and looked straight at the boys when he talked about the Forbidden Forest) and everyone cleared out.

James and Sirius decided to walk me to the common room, as Remus had gone to prefect duties and, um, I don't even know where Peter went. Lily had prefect duties as well, and I think Mickey was with her other friends, but I think she's ignoring me. I wasn't even thinking of talking to Severus.

"So Rae, how do you like Hogwarts so far?" Sirius asked a we walked up the thousands of stairs.

"I'd like it a lot more if your arm wasn't on my shoulder." I hissed, glaring at him. He quickly removed his arm and I skipped happily ahead.

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