16: Jamie

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Chapter 16

"I thought I was going to Hogwarts? I can't go to Hogwarts if I'm going to Durmstrang." I remarked to Uncle Remus. He nodded.

"You know of your night terrors, correct? Not going to Hogwarts will protect you for a few years. Soon enough you will be going to Hogwarts, but for now, you will be going to Durmstrang. Okay?" he replied.

I nodded, not really knowing what to say.

I helped clean up, and went to my room to read. Eventually, I fell asleep, trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

Remus POV (the chapter is only going to start with his point of view, because it will make more sense than being in someone's nightmare)

Jamie had gotten her letter to Durmstrang, and after she went to bed, I wrote a letter to Durmstrang and Dumbledore.

'Jamie is very excited to be attending Durmstrang for a few years. She will be leaving and going to Hogwarts in her 5th year, for reasons I can not reveal at the time. Thank you for the acceptance letter.
Remus J. Lupin.'

I sent that letter with the Durmstrang owl, and wrote my letter to Dumbledore.

Jamie got her letter to Durmstrang today. I let them know that she will be leaving for her 5th year at Hogwarts, and no reasoning. You said to let you know, so I did. I do not plan on writing Severus, that is for you to tell him. I tried asking Jamie what happened, but I figured it unnecessary to make her upset again.
I will be bringing her shopping tomorrow or sometime next week.
Remus J. Lupin'

I found my owl, Spoon, (it was Sirius and Raelyn's idea and we were in 5th year... The owl was never the same) and sent Dumbledore's letter off.

Quickly looking at the lunar calendar above the counter, I noticed the full moon was in 3 days.

"I can take her tomorrow..." I whispered to myself as I walked down the hall to my room.

I woke up a few hours later to a blood-curdling screech. I was very happy I put silencing charms around the house, so she doesn't wake the neighbors. At least I wasn't like my parents, who charmed my room so I couldn't get out and put charms on it so there was no noise.

I sighed and stood up. Yawning, I walked down the hall, and opened her door.

What I saw, was not what I was expecting.


Jamie POV

I went to sleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I had gotten a letter to a magic school, and although I had small bits of accidental magic, I was a bit unsure I would actually get s letter.

"I hope this will be a good night for once." I whispered to myself before letting sleep come over me.


I was being shaken awake by a dark figure.

"He wants you. Get up, you stupid brat." the figure all but yelled. I shook nervously as I stood up. My limbs were stiff, and my head pounded as I walked.

I finally got up the stairs, in no form to try and escape. And all of the figures around the room knew it, as they laughed and pointed at me.

I was pushed down on the floor and I screamed out in pain.

My uncle Severus came out of the shadows, along with Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange.

Bellatrix cackled as she walked around me, while Lucius looked bored and Peter looked scared almost. Severus looked nervous.

"Crucio!" Severus yelled and I screamed in pain. I felt white-hot knives in my skin, twisting and turning around, creating stab wounds. I felt tears trickle down my face. When the curse was lifted, I still felt the pain.

I heard Bellatrix laugh again and I held back sobs. Unexpectedly, I had another burst of pain and I screamed out again. Where's uncle Remus when you need him?

"Get her back to the chamber." a man hissed, although I didn't see who it was. My hands were picked up and I was dragged down stairs and into the dark dungeon I've been in. Someone kicked my ribs and I felt a crack as I screamed again.

"Jamie. Jamie, c'mon. Jamie wake up, its just a nightmare. Jamie." I heard someone say, while shaking me.

I groaned. Not again.

"Jamie, its Remus. Wake up, please." the male begged. Remus?

"CRUCIO!" Another voice, completely different, yelled and I screamed yet again...

I sat up quickly and took in the new surroundings. The room was completely white, and there were beds around the perimeter of the room. I looked to my left and saw Remus clutching my hand for dear life and yet still asleep. I slowly removed my hand from his, and he jerked awake.

"Who-what-where-" he sputtered, looking around helplessly. I laughed a little, causing him to look at me am relax.

"Thank Merlin your awake. It's been two days, and I haven't been able to get you up." He sighed, and I looked at him in shock. I knew that the one nightmare replayed a couple of times (it was only the last one I remembered) but two days? Wait. That means that the full moon is tomorrow. Dammit.

"So, the full moon is tomorrow?" I asked slowly, hoping uncle Remus wouldn't get upset.

"Yes. You'll be staying here, with Severus." he started, and I looked at him, terror written all over my face. "But you will be able to roam the castle. Classes haven't started yet, so you'll be good."

I felt terror rise up in me. I didn't want to be near Severus.

"Please don't make me. Anywhere but Severus. Please." I begged, but uncle Remus said nothing. I pouted for a bit, and he still didn't give in. "Fine."

After a few hours of assuring Madame Pomprey that I was fine, I walked around the castle a bit. I hadn't been there often, but often enough that I know my way around. Before my nightmares, I would stay here often with Severus.

Nothing really happened, besides Severus trying to talk to me, and I tried. Its just, I ran away in the opposite direction every time he raised his hand, afraid it was for me. Nonsense things like that had terrified me. I hoped the next few nights would go quickly, so uncle Remus could take me shopping for Durmstrang.


Double update! Yay! I'm proud, very proud.

Nothing interesting in the last 6 hours or so...

Ok bye then

Tori <3

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