45: Raelyn

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Chapter 45

"Are you ready? It's going to feel a bit weird. Keep this bag with you too. Your guardian will figure out what to do with it." Luna said. Jamie nodded. Mum had a bag like that, which Harry have to me before he sent me to the past.

Luna said some type of weird spell, and I watched a black smoke like substance taking over Jamie.

"Goodbye Jamie." Luna said, a tear leaking from her eye. Before I was able to see anything else though, I passed out, the blackness consuming me as well.

"Raelyn! Raelyn get up!" Someone, oddly familiar, shouted at me. They were shaking me and wouldn't stop, and I finally had enough.

"What the fuck do you want?" I growled, sitting up. My eyes were blurry, and it took a few seconds to see clearly.

"Sorry, but you've been thrashing around and screaming for a good five minutes. You were kind of scaring me." The person said, and I turned to look behind me. After seeing that it was only Remus, I calmed down a bit.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting you." I said, and about to continue when he started talking.

"It's almost 10 in the night. I put Anna to bed hours ago." My jaw dropped. Almost 9 hours I was in there? It certainly didn't feel like that...

"What happened any ways? You were thrashing around, I thought the night terrors were over." Remus asked, giving me a worried look. I shrugged and made an innocent look.

"I dunno. It wasn't really a night terror though. It was more like memories." I replied, trying to remember the earlier points in the memory.

"What do you mean?"

"Exactly that. It was someone's memories, but they aren't from now, like present or our past time. I think I know whose memories they are though." Remus pulled a confused face. "Is ickle Remmy confuzzled? Because I am probably more confuzzled then you, and I'm the one that watched the damn thing!" I laughed, and soon after Remus joined. He rolled his eyes, and stood up from next to me.

"C'mon, let's get you something to eat."


Hours later, I laid in bed, unable to sleep. Maybe it was the fact that I fell asleep for nine hours, even though it was more of a memory-dream then sleeping. I tossed and turned, but trying to not wake Remus.

As I laid there in the silence, I remembered all of the things from the memory that I needed to do.

I quietly scrambled out of bed, and slowly picked up the floor board. While shuffling around for my notebook with my right hand, I reached up to my nightstand with my left for my wand. After both being securely in my hands, I say on the edge of the bed.

"Lumos," I whispered, my wand illuminating. I tucked it under my chin, and opened the notebook. Holding my wand in my hand again, I moved it like I would with a quill, writing in my mental notes.

  I crossed out the Weasley's, figuring that since I would definitely come back before the war, I could take care of them then.  

Lily and James Potter
-possibly Harry as a precaution
Michaela, Sirius and Jamie Black
Remus and Arianna Lupin
Arielle Malloy
Molly and Arthur Weasley (and kids) ? 

After thinking for a moment, I wrote down the next people I wanted to save.

Mae Tristan (Lovegood)
Xenophilius Lovegood

A tear leaked again. I seemed to be extremely emotional as of lately, because of what I planned on doing.

Remus moved from the other side of the bed. I jumped. He didn't wake though. I decided that was enough, and placed the notebook in the floor, and my wand on the nightstand. Knowing the people were written down, I forced myself to sleep with the thought of war looming in my head.


Two weeks later, I got dressed in a simple outfit consisting of black leggings, a gray, long sleeve sweater, black riding boots, and an off white sweater-material infinity scarf. I grabbed my huge black bag and shoved my wand in it.

"Remus, honey, I'll be back in a few hours." I said, walking into the kitchen. He nodded absentmindedly. I grabbed a disposable hot cup (thank you muggles) and poured some of the coffee Remus made in the cup. After putting my milk and sugar in it, I put the cap on it and walked over to my husband. "Thank you for making coffee. I promise I send a patronus around lunchtime." I kissed his cheek and Anna giggled from the highchair across from us. I smiled at my baby, and kissed her on the head.

"I'll see you in a little while, my sweet little Anna. Be good for daddy." I said, gathering my things from the counter. I gave a final wave, and apparated to the first house.

I walked up the path to the front door of a familiar house. I knocked on the door, and heard banging and running. The door opened, and a face under a cloak hood.

"Who are you?" the person demanded, sounding oddly familiar.

"Raelyn Lupin, nee Potter." I said strongly back, expecting a question on who I am.

"What were the last words Albus Dumbledore told us?"

"We have to get Jamie to safety before what happens. If something goes wrong, all hell will break loose and the time as a whole will be split." I barely finished reciting the words, when the person jumped from behind the door and dragged me inside.

"What do you think you're doing here without telling me? Do you have any idea how freaking terrified I was that it was a Death Eater knocking on my door?!" My friend shouted, pulling down her hood and pulling a hand through her hair. I rolled my eyes and gave a small smile.

"I have some things to do and I need you're help."

"Well, let the fun begin." She said, hugging me tight. I hugged her back and I told her my plan to save people.


Hi guys, sorry this is so late and short, I plan on having another chapter up, but I have no idea. I'm supposed to be working on this National History Day project for history (which is basically a science fair project, just double maybe triple times the work load).

Hopefully I'll have another chapter up, only a few more to go!

love you all,

Tori Weasley <3

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