37: Raelyn

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Chapter 37

"We should head out of here, before they realize your gone." Ari said, her voice shaking and her face pale in the moonlight. She couldn't be... No. Ari is the person who has the biggest stink with Voldemort. She wouldn't join him, not for anything. Neither would Remus, Lily, James (hell, he's my brother), Sirius, Michaela. Severus is the only one that is, no matter how much I tried to convince him not to.

We all nodded, and I grasped Remus' arm, Lily and Michaela copied my moves to James and Sirius. Poor Ari was left alone. No matter how hard we try, she won't have any kind of a love life. Remus apparated and I almost lost all ease of breathing. Literally, I wasn't breathing for a good sixty seconds after we landed at some sort of safe house. Remus, of course, was freaking out. So while Sirius calmed him down, James got my breathing under control.

The rest of the night was spent by mum fussing over me, everyone worrying about my mental stability (more so than usual) and me freaking out about the next few years.

About a year later, all of the marauders (except Peter, but he doesn't count) were married off; Remus and I, Sirius and Michaela, and Lily and James. Ari claimed she didn't have time for any kind of boyfriend... I figured I would try and hook her up with Severus.

Over the past year, Lily and James had Harry, and Ari and Sirius were named godparents. They were going to do Michaela, but she was close to Sirius (and she forced Lily to chose Ari instead). Sirius and Michaela have a daughter, Jamie. And Remus and I had a baby girl as well. It was weird, and I didn't know if I should give her up right away, because I had been planning what I was going to do for the next few years. Now that most of us had a kid, all of us stayed pretty close by. The Black's and Potter's bought houses in Godric's Hollow. Remus and I bought one in Surrey, and Ari bought one not far down from us.

Oh, and remember when the sorting hat told me about my companion? Yeah, I got that answer soon after Arianna (my daughter) and Jamie were born. The entire Order of the Phoenix (at least it felt like it) was sitting in the living room of the current safe house.

Fabian and Gideon Prewett were playing with their sister, Molly's, sons, Fred and George. The eldest sons, Bill, Charlie and Percy, were talking to Remus and Mad-Eye Moody about Hogwarts and the classes, while the youngest son, Ron ran around with Harry, Jamie, and Anna (our nickname for Arianna, since we already have Ari).

"Ms Potter?" An old, familiar voice called from the front door. Lily and I both looked up, as I grew up with the name and she married in.

"Yes?" We replied in sync.

"The original Ms Potter." Dumbledore said, the odd twinkle in his eye had almost vanished. Startled at being addressed like that, I stood up from my seat on the couch, and walked over to my old headmaster. I followed him into the kitchen, where pots and pans were washing themselves and drying and putting themselves away.

"Is there something wrong professor?" I asked worriedly.

"Do you remember when you came to Hogwarts at fifteen? And you asked me about what the sorting hat meant about your companion?" He asked. I nodded yes to all his questions and he continued. "I have figured out who your companion is supposed to be, and where she is supposed to be." I nodded, eager to learn who this person was.

"Jamie Black, is supposedly your companion. You have to convince Sirius and Michaela to send her to the future, where she will learn what happens --" I cut him off, in a somewhat angry, somewhat fearful voice.

"She's going to the future?! Do you know how dangerous that is? How much trouble Harry, Ron and Hermione went through to get me here?" I exclaimed, my voice climbing in octaves.

"Yes I am aware of the risks, which is why I need you to help. I am going to assume that this Hermione is a future student. And if you help, the correct precautions will be set, and you will have help in doing what you have to do!" This sounded so unlike Dumbledore, that I just agreed. I stopped fighting a fight I wasn't going to win.

"I still have to disappear, and I don't know what will happen to Michaela, but Sirius will be unable to take care of her."

"I'll arrange for Remus and Severus to watch after her. They are her godfather and uncle."

"Yes. Yes as long as Michaela isn't in the ability to watch over her."

"Do not disappoint me, Ms Potter."

"It's Lupin now, don't forget professor." I said laughingly. He chuckled and walked right out the front door. I sighed and walked back over to the couch.


A week later, I was flipping through every spell book I could find. I was in the Hogwarts library from open to close, the students learning to ignore me and my crying baby, even Madame Pince ignored us thank Merlin. It took me two weeks to search through the whole library, and thank the candy gods, because I found just the spell I needed.

Although Dumbledore implied he would do everything after I convince Sirius and Michaela, I thought of a spell for wand less magic that could lessen any spell. I had found just the one, in a book in the restricted section.

Wand Less Magic; For the Talented

For hundreds of years, witches and wizards have been searching for ways to lessen a curse or charm or spell. It could be as simple as a body-bind curse or the killing curse itself. This certain spell aims to do just that. It is only to be used by people born with wand less magic, otherwise effects could be fatal.

To use this spell, hover your wand arm over your targets heart (target must be living) and utter the incantation, Meos Tueatur. Your targets eyes should turn coal black, for about ten seconds, before turning back to their original color.

For most spells, charms and curses, this spell will have the time it is in effect for less.

For the Unforgivables, this spell may or may not work. It will most likely help target throw the Imperious off, and lessen the pain of the Cruciatus. For the killing curse, your target with this spell will remain dead for twenty-four hours, and appear dead for another twenty-four. It is said they appear dead long enough to get their affairs completed in Heaven.

I decided I would learn this spell before Halloween, 1981. Well before. Probably by March, I should be gone. I thought. I snapped the book closed, and checked it out. The school was swarming with students, as it was mid-October. Only a few months until I had to leave.


Hey I know I ended kinda abruptly, but oh well. I was trying to make it as long as I could, but I didn't want to give to much away.

I also want to apologize, since I skipped through a lot, and I mean a lot of Raelyn's life, mainly because I thought I wouldn't have enough time between GoF and Raelyn's time before.

So, the next couple of chapters will be Jamie POV. After I finish this story (and I am going to kinda rush it a little, but don't worry!) I have Jamie and Raelyn's POVs in separate stories, and once I've got those started, I can re write this and make it longer.

Thank you guys so much for your support and stuff (even though no one comments or votes except for like three people) so bye!

Tori Weasley <3

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