10: Jamie (Trin)

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I put another recap for you.... hopefully I'll start updating more often.

I also just realized how short the last chapter for Jamie/Trin was.

This one will hopefully be a lot longer.

they will be in their respective places by the next chapter don't worry.

Oh, and May? You being hocked up on caffeine was extremely funny today....

Okay that's it.

Please enjoy.........



My choice was between staying with people whom I have learned to love, or with people that have raised me.

"I know, this will probably make your decision, but if you go to the past, not that I want you to leave, but you will find your true parents. People in the past know who they are. I'm sorry, but none of us do." Ginny told me, breaking the silence. I took in her words, not answering her in the slightest.

I have no idea where to pick still.

Chapter 10

"I think Im going to go to the past." I said, and Luna smiled sadly, before pulling a day dream mask. I know shes upset, but I need to find my real parents.

"im really sorry Luna, but ever since I've been 12, I've wondered who my real parents are, if I have siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, anything. I've grown up in a world of lies. I need to know who my parents are. You and Rolf have been like new parents already, but I know what I need to do." I said to Luna. She nodded, hopefully understanding.

"I understand, I never knew my mother. You have to promise me something though. You have to try as hard as you can to save my mother or father. Please." Luna replied, tears leaking down her masked face.

"I-I promise. I will definitely try to save any one I can. And I mean it." I told her. She smiled sadly at me.

"You're going to be leaving tomorrow, alright? So you might want to pack tonight." Ginny said, breaking the tension in the air. I nodded and left the room.

*•*•*•*•*•*•*the next day•*•*•*•*•*•*

I packed last night, almost ready to cry.

I don't cry anymore, I've learned to keep some sort of mask on. But I could always tell whether someone had one on or not.

A friend of mine, Blaire, always had a 'happy mask' on. She always felt left out and all, with being the middle child and that crap.

Anyways, I got up the next morning to Lysander and Lorcan screaming in my face to get up.

Luna had come in my room late last night to help me pack, and told me that she already told the boys about me leaving.

"Thank you boys, for that lovely wake up call." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, you are quite welcome, mademoiselle." Lorcan joked, while him and his twin bowed. I rolled my eyes.

"You're British. Not French." I said, completely serious.

We stared each other down for about two minutes, when I started smirking, and soon enough the three of us were practically rolling on the floor laughing.

"LYSANDER! LORCAN! JAMIE! BREAKFAST!" I heard Luna shout from downstairs. How I heard her over our noise, is still a mystery.

"Coming mum!" Lysander shouted back.

"We should probably go. I want waffles." I said, after a minute of silence. They nodded, and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

We all said our 'good morning's and ate breakfast almost silently.

Once we all finished, the boys went outside to practice Quidditch, and Luna held me back.

"Jamie." she said softly, but I knew to come to her.


"I have to bring you to the headmistress' office for you to go. with the way I do the spell, you have to be where you want to land into the time you're going to. Can you go get your things?" Luna said, talking a bit to fast. After a second, I nodded and ran upstairs.

I got my things and headed to the family room, because that's where the fireplace is.

"You know how to use floo powder, correct?" Luna asked. I nodded and took a handful of the powder.

"Headmistress office, Hogwarts!" I shouted, dropping the dust.

I was engulfed by the green flames, and soon enough I was in the headmistress' office. Let me tell you, it looks ALOT different then Dumbledore's.

"You must be Jamie." a voice said from the desk. I peered around the wall, and saw a stern looking woman in an emerald green dress. Her hair was in a tight bun, and I could see she was extremely tired.

This woman's name was, Tom Riddle.

Nah, I'm just joking. Minerva McGonagall was her name.

"Yes, I am." I said, my voice wavering from nervousness a bit. I walked out from behind the wall, and saw the things were different, but not necessarily the set up. The office looked basically like Dumbledore's, just with different things.

"Good, you got here safely." Another voice said from behind me. I knew it was Luna though, I could pick her voice out anywhere.


"Are you ready? It's going to feel a bit weird. Keep this bag with you too. Your guardian will figure out what to do with it." Luna said. I nodded.

I decided not to look in the bag, that I would look when I needed to.

Luna said some type of weird spell, and I felt like I was getting smaller and my memory was getting shorter.

"Goodbye Jamie." was the last thing I heard before turning into darkness.

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