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Hello to my beautiful girlfriends😗👋🏾 how's y'all day going? Well night😽

Slim's POV
Two days later
Sunday, July 17th

"Slim get outta my face. If you say that shit again I'm slapping you. And move yo damn hand" Kiarrah said taking my hand out her shirt.

"But I am" I said putting it back in and rubbing her stomach. "We're both girls. You can't get me pregnant"

"I can dream" I said frowning and she laughed. "I'm tired of hearing it. You all in my ear talking bout imma get you pregnant. You gon have my kids. You sound like a nigga. And then you be rubbing my stomach like something gon magically pop up"

I smacked my lips and sat up. "Eat my ass" I said getting off the bed. "Ew. Shitty booty self" "this ass ain't shitty"

"It literally is. You shit 24/7 and it fucking stank" "girlllaaaa it ain't posed to smell like strawberries. Mmcht I'm so done with this conversation. How we go from babies to shit." I said rolling my eyes.

"I don't know but you—." "Shutup and don't talk unless you finna have my baby" I said walking to the door" "where you going?"

"Why you still talking? Ion see no baby" "slim" she said. "To wake Keialah up. I miss her little bad ass" I said walking out.

"Let her ass stay sleep." "Ion know what that mean. I can't hear English for real" I said walking down the hall and to KK's room.

She been sleep for a good hour. Time for her ass to get up and play with me.

I walked to her bed and nudged her awake. She slowly opened her eyes. "Hi baby" I said. "Hey" she said lowly.

She reached out and I picked her up. She laid her head on my shoulder and I walked out. Mmcht her ass finna go back to sleep.

I walked back into my room and cut the light off then cut the lamp on. "You always doing something" Kiarrah said as I laid down on the bed with Keialah still on me.

"She went right back to sleep anyways" I said "she couldn't have stayed in there?" "Nope. Some kinda monster coulda got her"

"Slim—." "Shhhh let's take a nap" "yeen gotta tell me twice" she said turning on her side with her back facing me. The she pulled the covers up.

"The fuck is you doing?" I asked slapping the back of her neck. She sat up quick and I laughed. "Sorry. But why you over thereeee" I whined.

She huffed and scooted closer. "Now let's sleep" she said.


I was woken up to someone shaking me rapidly. I opened my eyes confused as hell. "Get up. Get upp." Kiarrah said.

What I done did? I swear I ain't did shit. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. KK was no longer on me. She was sitting beside me eating some yogurt.

"Slim get upp please" she said. Sounded strained. I looked at her just now noticing she was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Get up" "okay damn" I said semi yelling.

"Stop yelling at me" she sniffled. "Okay sorry but damn. I'm up. What happened" "we- I gotta go to the courthouse. They uhh— I don't knowwww" she said running her fingers through her hair.

"Okay call down." "Don't tell me to fucking calm down. I could lose my daughter and you want me—
"You're not gonna lose her" I said interrupting her.

I'd really kill that nigga before I let that happen. "Stop saying that. You don't know." "Kiarrah she ain't going nowhere" I said getting up and putting my shoes on.

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