Chapter four Water logged

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--kid's pov--
Once we were done chatting i went upstairs to change and walked back down, getting yet another nosebleed. Scarlet was climbing out of the pool now, her long hair stuck to her drenched body and her eyes seemed to glisten even more. I looked down and blushed terribly by the "tent" i was now growing. ( im so sorry -Admin ) i ran into the pool to cover myself, watching scarlet leap in and fall to the bottom gracefully, touching it with her feet and floating around for a bit before quickly swimming to the surface. Once she broke the surface she started panting heavily. I blushed even darker and forced a sly smile.
"Having fun?" I asked and she nodded.
"Lots, c'mon let's race!" She said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the shallow end.
She grabbed the wall and held her feet there, almost in a crouching position. I just touched the wall, she looked at me and nodded before counting off.
GO!" She shouted and we both pushed off of the wall in sync.
I preformed my best overhand stroke while i saw scarlet pulling off a perfect butterfly. She dove down and seemed to glide through the water, now doing the breast stroke. I continued along, eventually tying with my companion.

--scarlet's pov--
A tie?! Impossible!
"Damn, your too good..." I panted and kid laughed breathlessly.
"Look... In a mirror" he said, catching his breath still.
The evening continued on with various contests until we both got bored. I climbed out and grabbed a towel, throwing one at kid and admiring his pale figure. Though he was skinny his chest was pretty defined, as for his hair it stuck to his head in an odly sexy fasion. I blushed and ruffled my hair dry, pulling the towel off to an absolutely horrified kid.
"NononononoNONO!!!" He ran over. "Your symmetry is off!!!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me upstairs, grabbing a hairbrush and fixing my hair into the perfect ponytail, even adding a ribon.
"Wow, its awesome having a gay friend!" I said and kid froze.
"... Im not gay..." He said and i laughed darkly.
"Then how are you so good with hair?" I asked and he sighed.
"Im bi... Not gay...." He said, looking away with a deep blush on his cheeks.
I giggled.
"Im the same, i'll be the first to admit i lost my innocence to a girl." I said with a smirk, making kid blush darker.
"Also... I don't feel like facing dad, can i stay here?" I asked and he looked at me curiously.
"Who's your father?" He asked.
"Stein. He adopted me." I said and kid's jaw dropped.
"S-stein.... Really?! Let me guess, super overprotective?" He asked and i nodded.
In an instant kid had me backed into the counter of the sink, a wicked grin spread across his pale features. I blushed darkly, feeling his hips against mine.
"You can stay... But i can't promise i won't get dirty~" he muttered. I punched kid into the wall and snarled.
"Rapist! Dont ever do that again!" I said and sighed.
Kid lent me a shirt of his and some of liz's panties, i just reused a bra.
I fell asleep in kid's bed, cuddled into his chest.

**im so sorry about this chapter, i had to be a little pervy, im sorry again!!!**

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