Chapter ten Bound and gagged

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--scarlet's pov--
My eyes opened slowly, seeing just darkness. I waited for my eyes to adjust and looked down just being in my undergarments. I tried to move, but my arms and legs were bound down. I tried to scream but my throat burned, all i managed was a tiny squeek. I felt weight rest on top of my body and tried to look at the mystery person.
"Coperate or die." Said a familure voice, i couldn't place it because my head was pounding.
I felt lips firmly press against mine, i resisted the kiss and kept my lips sealed tightly. I know this sensation, but from where. Once they pulled away i let out an unamused wimper. I heard a deep, dark chuckle. The person ran a hand down my sides.
"Do you know who i am?" They asked.
That voice. It's on the tip of my tongue. I wish kid were here.
I heard another chuckle and plastic hitting a hard concrete floor. I looked up, seeing glowing golden eyes just bright enough to reveal a skinny but sculpted form, Striped raven black hair with three white stripes. My eyes widened.
"Your wish is granted..." He purred, damn it, i must have spoken my mind again. "You passed the test." He said with a smile, turning on lights.
I wimpered, my eyes burning from the sudden light. I looked at him confused, he was shirtless but in his formal pants and shoes.
"I decided to pull a prank while testing you. You passed." He said, smiling.
"You phychotic asshole!" I said and couldn't help but laugh.

--kid's pov--
Once i untied scar we walked downstairs to play Just Dance3. We did the partner dances, doing exceptionally well. After a while liz and patti joined in. We all continued until we could bairly stand up. The four of us went to the pool and leaped in, swimming around, playing games and messing around. At one point we asked scar to let her wings out. She did so and when we asked to pet them she freaked out.
While she wasn't paying attention i gently tangled the feathers in her black wing in my fingers. She let out a loud moan and sat up quickly, snarling and hiding her wings again.
"I told you not to!" She said and i noticed something black swinging behind her legs.
"What's that?" I asked and she flushed.
"My... D-demon's tail..." She muttered out.
I laughed.
"Full of surprises." I said smiling.
She really is perfect.

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