Chapter thirteen Bloody encounter

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--kid's pov--
I awoke in the morning and groaned at the sound of my ringing phone. I picked it up.
"Hello? Death The Kid speaking." I said formally.
"Hello hello son! I have a mission for you and your wonderful fiancè! A few new demon swords has sprung up and we need you two to take care of them!" My father said.
"Demon swords... Dad we can't do that!" I said and he laughed.
"There's only six of them you can handle it, im counting on you, goodbye!" He said and hung up.
"Mhnn... Kid..? Who was that..?" Scarlet groaned, turning to me.
"My father wants us to handle six demon swords..." I said and her eyes widened.
She quickly sat up.
"... We... Better hurry then..." She said standing up and getting dressed, wearing ripped jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. She pulled her hair into a tight ponytail and slipped some shoes on. I myself dressed into my regular suit and informed Liz and Patti. We flew out to italy and i had scarlet track the kishins. Once she did we started the fight, most of them targeting scarlet. They grabbed her by her wings and slowly pulled, she screamed in pain and all my anger released. I started pistol whipping and beating the shit out of them until i felt something hard hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground and watched as they beat poor scar and tied her up, that's all i saw until everything went black...
I awoke in a hospital. I looked around, seeing no one. I sprung up, my head spinning and throbbing, but i didnt care. A nurse walked in and paniced.
"Sir! Lay back d-" i cut her off
"Where is my fiance? Where is scarlet mi flame?" I asked, a growl of annoyance in my voice.
"I.... I dont know of anyone by that name admited here." She said and i pushed past her.
"Give me my clothes, i have to find her, i can't feel her soul." I said and she pushed me into the bed.
"Sir, please go back to sleep, you need rest." She said and i snarled.
She walked out and came back in, my clothing in her arms.
I gave my thanks, putting the clothing on and running out, trying to seek her soul.

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