Chapter five Infected

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--kid's pov--
Once me and scarlet got to class crecent moon we sat together, chatting and laughing. I watched as a scalpel flew into scarlet's shoulder, she yelped. I glared at stein and snarled.
"No talking, i wont hit your shoulder next time." He said and scar threw the scalpel back.
Stein caught it mid air and started ripping yet another poor animal apart.
After class me and scar walked to the gym, both of us going our seperate ways to get changed. Once i walked out of the male changing room i saw scarlet slashing a dummy with absolutely beautiful scythe blades replacing her arms. Once the teacher told us to pick a partner i ran over to scar and insisted to be her partner. We tested our wavelengths, the miester part of her soul detecting mine and vice versa. She nodded and lept into the air, transforming into a double bladed scythe. I gawked, although it wasnt symmetrical -- almost to the point of making me sick -- it was still amazing.
I gripped the handle and spun it, to mine and her surprise with perfect grace. I grinned, attacking our oponent and winning, thanks to scarlet's ability to light her blades on fire.
"Kid... I don't feel well..." She told me weakly.
"Hang in there, one more oponent!" I said excitedly.
I attacked them a few times but shrieked in horror as scarlet transformed human, colapsing to the ground with a loud thump. I kneeled next to her still body and screamed for the teacher. Once he ran over he explained to me because her body isn't used to being in weapon form for long it partially shuts down to protect itself. I picked her up, watching her limbs lifelessly swing in the air, one of her arms resting on her stomach. I ran to the nurse's office and told nigus the situation.
"I'll put her on an IV." She told me and i nodded.
I pet her soft raven black hair gently as she lied in the bed, it gave me great relef watching her chest rise and fall in a gentle rythem.

--scarlet's pov--
The last thing i remember was telling kid i didn't feel quite right, then everything went black.
I woke up in the nurse's office, feeling whoosy. I looked around, noticing a fast asleep kid in the chair next to my bed. I smiled, he's so cute when he sleeps.
"Look who's awake." Nigus said softly and i nodded.
"Yeah, what happened?" I asked, sitting up.
"You were in weapon form for far too long, so you passed out and kid carried you here. He's been her for about a day with you, poor thing was worried sick." She said, i could hear a smile from under her mask of bandages.
I nodded in thanks and watched kid sleep, the peaceful look on his face made me smile and the way his chest rise and fell in soft breathing patterns sent almost too much joy through me. I took the opertunity to pet the lines in his hair. His hair was so soft. I ran my hand through it gently and quickly backed away as kid let out a soft yawn and sigh.
"Hmm... Wha..." He mumbled gently, looking around and smiling grogily at me. "Were you... Petting me?" He asked and i nodded bashfully.
He smiled again, pulling the IV out of my wrist and pulling me into his lap.
"Your adorable..." He said and kissed my nose.
I giggled.
"Thanks dude!" I said and his face went pale.
"Y... Yeah.... Dude....." He said blandly.
I ran my hand through his hair again, causing a blush to appear on his cheeks.
"Quit it, your ruining my symmetry." He said and i shook my head.
"Nu!" I said doing it again.
He blushed darker.
"Please scar... Stop" he said quietly and i giggled.
"Nope!" I said, playing with his hair in my fingers.
I laughed again but i was inturupted by a pair of lips smashing into mine, my eyes widened and my face went red. I didn't know what to do, i'd never kissed a guy before. I slowly melted into his lips, wrapping my arms around him.

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