Chapter eight The mission

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--kid's pov--
I insisted my father to let me, liz and patti go with, just to observe and make sure nothing happened. Scarlet flew herself all the way to paris, gliding through the air elegently and effortlessly. Liz and patti were amazed.
"Woah... Their beautiful scarlet..." Liz breathed.
"SOO COOOOOOOOLLLLL!!!!" Patti cheered.
Scarlet giggled and waved before leaning to the left and gliding down. She did a backflip, retracting her wings before hitting the roof of a building ten feet below. She rolled when she hit the ground and sprung up onto her feet, me and my partners stared in awe.
"Kid... I think you found the one." Liz said and I smiled.
"Yeah.." I said and dove down myself, in a tripple flip.
Scarlet was already persuing the kishin, running at incredible speeds. It killed me not being able to help. I watched as the kishin attacked her, she dodged most of the attacks but i watched a blade go into her side. She yelped, grinned and pulled it out, using one of the kishin's blades on him. She did perfect flips, spins, slashes and jumps. It was truely beautiful to watch. She slashed the kishin in half by it's stomach and landed on the ground, panting slightly with messy windblown hair. I ran over with liz and patti, completely awe struck.
"Your a fire bender?!" I asked and she nodded.
"I can control flames, i can create them like so." She lifted her hand and held it flat, a small ball of fire collecting about an inch above her palm. It swirled up into the air and spun around me, liz and patti. I grinned.
"Not so innocent eh?" I asked and she giggled.

--scarlet's pov--
I picked up the kishin soul and popped it into my mouth, chewing softly and swallowing it, letting out a small puff of air. All three of them hugged me, raveling at my abilities and i laughed.
We flew back to Japan and to the dwma and i hid my wings before we got there, stepping onto kid's skateboard and wrapping my arms tightly around him. We stepped into the death room and i gave a report to lord death.
"Wonderful! Your skills have improved greatly!" He said and i smiled bashfully.
"Aw c'mon i wasnt the best and im still not..." I said quietly.
Me and kid went to our classes and kid walked with me to gallow's mannor, to swim yet again. At one point we sat together in a pool chair and just cuddled under the sun, sharing soft kisses and gazing into eachother's eyes. God i love his eyes...

ConspireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora