Chapter 3

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"Hey Rick, are you going to get the dresser?" my mom asked my father.

"Yeah. It is in the car. I'll bring it up later." my dad responded.

We all had to work in preparation for "the arrival". There was always an extra bedroom in our house. It was actually a large room. The room was larger than my room. I've been trying to move in there for so long. My parents continuously say the room I have is fine. Now someone else is coming and taking the room I want. Now that's something.

Just yesterday I was playing Call of Duty at this time of day. Now today I'm sweeping a room that was supposed to be mine, but will be a girl's from Japan. I didn't even want her to come. Why do I have to clean for someone I don't want anything to do with?

"If we clean then you clean." my dad said. He saw my face and knew what I was thinking. "She is living with you too."

"I never agreed to this." I told him.

"Well you don't have that choice."

"I never do."

As I continued to sweep around the room I looked around it. I made a blueprint in my head multiple times. Now that the room was cleared I could really map out how my room could be. Looking from the door perspective, my bed will be on the far wall under the window. I had a couch that would be on the right wall near the closet. Across from the couch was going to be the entertainment center with my dresser and the T.V. on top and next to that my Xbox 360. I still had enough room in the far right corner next to the bed for my bench. I'll be sure to place mats down.

Too bad that will never be reality. I'm starting to think for all these years my parents planned this. That's why they did not give me the room. Or they were expecting another baby.

I forgot the thought as soon as it entered my mind. I did not care if they expected another baby. The baby is not here, so rightfully I should have the room.

I finally finished sweeping and mopping. I dumped the dust pan, flushed the dirty water, and washed up. Then I went to my mother to ask if I could leave the house.

"Well if you are done with..." mom started. I turned and ran down the stairs before she could finish.

"Aren't you going to eat lunch?" she yelled after me.

"I'll pick something up at the store." I said while closing the door behind me.

I had to get out of there. I have been frustrated in that house since yesterday. Fresh air and some new scenery would be good. Anywhere but home would be great.

As soon as I stepped out of the house I saw my dad coming from the car. He was carrying his tools and blankets. I guess that was for the bed he was putting up.

"Where you headed, Ray?" my dad asked.

"I don't know. Probably to Dashaun's house." I said walking past him.

"Oh okay." he said.

I speeded up my walk. I did not want him to remember about the job he wanted me to do with him.

"Oh yeah, Ray!" he yelled after me.

I stopped and turned around to look at him. "Yeah, dad?" I said knowing what it was about. My dad does not forget a lot of things.

"Be back by six so we could get this dresser up to her room." he said

Her room? Now it is her room. I nodded and turned around. Just my life.

Dashuan's house was not far from mine. He did not live in Jackson Complex, a complex of apartment houses, but my family lives in a townhouse on the complex. Actually none of my friends lived there. My best friend Dashaun Mathews lived right up the street from me though. I didn't even know what I was going to do there. I just wanted to get out of that house.

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