Chapter 17

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I woke up at ten the next day. I was sore as hell. I could barely move out of my bed. I did not know I worked my body so hard. I was well conditioned too, but right now it did not feel like it.

I got up really slowly. I went to the bathroom. I then went back to my room and got changed. Not only was I sore, but really hungry. I went to the stairs and looked down. It seemed so far down. I took it a step at a time and each step hurt. It was in the calf, my hamstring and lower back. As I was walking I heard someone in the living room. Most likely Jessica.

I made it down. I was basically dragging myself to the kitchen. I looked in the living room and saw Jessica sitting in her usual spot with her laptop. It was closed on the table. She was looking at something on the T.V. I did not turn that far to look at what it was. That would just cause more pain. I continued to drag on.

"What is wrong with you?" I heard her say as I was just about to walk past.

"I'm sore. Really sore." I said. I was still walking. I just wanted to get from point A to point B and back to point A.

I got to the kitchen. What did I even want to eat right now? I looked in the fridge and freezer. There was eggs and sausage in there. There were also grits in the cabinet. I looked in the pantry and saw Captain Crunch and Pops cereal. What should I eat...

Wait. What am I thinking? I just want something quick. I'm not cooking a damn thing in the state I'm in. I grabbed the Pops, put milk in it with a spoon, and headed back to my room.

"You should take a hot bath or something." Jessica said as I walked past.

"Can't." I told her. "I do not fit in the bathtub. Good morning by the way."

"Morning. Video games?"

"Yep!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs. I sat on my bed and wolfed down the cereal real quick. I then went to turn on my Xbox. I decided to call Dashaun to see what he was doing. After about three rings he picked up.

"Yo. What you doing?' I asked him.

"Nothing. You online?" he responded.

"Yea. Madden or 2K?"

"Let's play 2K. I could only play for an hour. I'm going to my grandmother's house and staying for two days."

"Damn. Iight."

We hung up. I got on and put in 2K. Two minutes later Dashaun joined me.

We were barely able to finish one game (in which I won) before Dashaun's mother was calling him to pack up. He got offline and I was left alone. I did not know what to do. Then I remembered I had 2 new games from yesterday. I went to my game drawer and put in Skyrim.

The thing about role play games is that it is very interactive. It is hard to get bored when you are playing it because it is so much to do. You can get lost with just walking around and interacting with the environment. That's what happened when I was playing Skyrim. I was just roaming around the world. Only did like two missions. Before I knew it the time was already one.

'Ray. Lunch is ready." I heard my mom call.

I was done with the game for now. I might go back after lunch to play Halo. I did not know yet.

I got up from my bed. I was just as sore as I was since I woke up. Once again it was a slow decline down the steps. I got to the kitchen. There were two cheese burgers on the table with ice tea. I knew I smelled burgers, but I was not really focused at the time.

"Thanks, Mom." I said. She was making a sandwich now. I guess for herself.

"Try not to be on those games all day." she said without looking up.

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