Chapter 8

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Wednesday, August twenty third. The day Dashaun got back into town from Los Angeles. I needed to talk to this guy. I could have talked to him by phone, but what I needed to talk to him about was face-to-face business. Things about girls are always face-to-face talks with Dashaun and I. I also did not want to bother him on vacation.

The girl in question was Jessica of course. Last week was horrible between us. We said nothing to each other before, but now we say nothing because we both hate each other. More like she hates me and with my pride I hate her by default. I will not give in and talk to her first.

That's where Dashaun comes in. I already know where he stands on this topic. He wanted me to try and make her my girlfriend. Well now that I screwed up everything I needed his opinion again. How can I get out of this? I really have no idea. I never have been in this situation. He never was either, but still his input on this stuff will be nice. Anything he says can't be as bad as the boat I am sailing in now... actually it can be.

Dashaun told me he was getting back to his house at 2 o'clock. The time now was three. I gave him some extra time in case he got back late. Jessica was not home. She was with mom running errands. I decided to leave now, see what this guy got to say. Then come home and possibly talk to Jessica. He better be home and could have company over too.

I called his house before leaving. Sure enough he was there. He said I could come over, but he was still unpacking. I just told him I wanted to talk to him about something and we left it at that.

When I arrived at his house he was already standing outside.

"Yo bro!" he yelled.

"You knew what time I'll be here?" I said.

"No. I was looking out the door and saw you." Dashaun does that sometimes. He looks out of his door for a breeze or just to see what is happening outside.

We both went inside and greeted each other.

"I missed you, bro!" Dashaun said. Then he hugged me. It was a bro hug so I was cool with it.

"I missed you too, but you are way too emotional." I said.

"Can't help it. So how was camp?" he asked.

"It was great. New York was awesome. Mad you couldn't go, bro."

"Well you know I would have been there if I could. How was the competition?"

"It was good, really good."


"Of course I was better." I laughed.

"Ah. I thought you were getting violated over there."

"When have I ever got violated?"

"Remember when Roy..."

"Shut up Dashaun. That was a lucky crossover."

"Don't see how a crossover is lucky."

"At least I didn't get dunked on."

"Bro he did not dunk on me. I jumped to the side."

"Whatever. Anyways, how was the Vay K?" I wanted to change the subject. It was a stupid argument.

"The vacation was great," he said. "There were a lot of beaches, girls, some basketball, girls, and more girls in bikinis."

"You are perverted."

"No I'm not. I just enjoy the other sex. That's all."

"More like obsessed."

"True. Still that was not the highlight of the trip. Come to my room." He started to go upstairs. I followed.

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