Part 4-Early Summer - End

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Chapter 21

"Ray, hurry up!" Jessica said. "We're going to be late."

"Jessica, the movie theatre is right down the hallway. We're fine" I said.

"Yea, but the movie starts at 11"

"And it's 10:55. Calm down. There are also a bunch of previews before the movie starts."

"Yea, but we have a full day of stuff to do."

"I know. We can't control how long the movie is either. If we can't finish it today then we'll do it tomorrow. It's not like we have school. It's June 30th, remember?"

She did not say anything after that. She walked back from her running lead and grabbed my hand tight and walked with me. I guess she understood.

We got to the movie theatre and bought the tickets. We were out pretty early than normal. Jessica had this whole day planned out for a week now. She emphasized it had to be this Friday for some reason. The first thing she did was make me breakfast when she woke up. She did that before, but this time she went all out. She made eggs, sausage, grits, pancakes, and waffles. Now we were at the movies to watch Jack Reacher, a movie I always wanted to see, but was too lazy to go.

"2 tickets for Jack Reacher, please" I told the woman.

"Here you go. Enjoy." she said.

"You want popcorn or anything?" I asked Jessica.

"Whatever you want. Like I said you're not paying for anything today. I want to treat you." she said.

"I told you I don't like it when girls treat me to things."

"Shut up. What do you want?"

"Just a small soda, Nestle crunch, and small popcorn for us to share."

"You could have just said the usual."

"The usual."

Jessica rolled her eyes and went to go order the stuff. I really did not like her treating me to all this, but she was dead set on it so I might as well let her. When she was done we went to go find some seats. The movie has been out for a while so not many people were there. The seats up top were free so we sat there.

"This is going to be the best day ever." Jessica said. "Watch." Then she kissed me on the cheek and laid on my shoulder. The movie began and she stayed like that the whole time.

"You liked it?" Jessica asked me as we left the movie theatre.

"It was better than I expected. And I expected it to be okay." I told her.

"Nice. Glad you enjoyed it. What you want to do next?"

"You're the head of this operation. You decide."

She stood and thought about it. "Um. Are you hungry? We could do lunch?" Jessica finally said.

"Yea. I could use some lunch."

"Then it's settled. Where you want to go?"

"To save time we could eat her in the mall. Let's go to the food court."

"That's not romantic at all."

"So. I'm with you. I'm happy." I kissed her.

"Fine."she smiled. "Let's go."

"We went up into the mall. The food court was huge so there were a lot of options. We walked around for a few minutes and made my decision.

"I want Japanese." I said to her.

The New ExperienceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon