Chapter 10

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Today I decided to chill with Dashaun. Do what I've been doing for seventy five percent of summer vacation. The plan today was to play some basketball and go back to my house. I did not tell Dashaun that though. I wanted to keep that part of it a surprise. Dashaun was going to meet Jessica today. I thought about waiting a little longer, but it was not a big deal in doing it today. Yesterday Jessica and I got along great and Dashaun is my best friend. I think introducing them now was good. At least while I am on Jessica's good side. I already knew how Dashaun was going to act when he saw her for the first time. I will be prepared for that...I think. The guy might actually fall in love.

Right now we were at Raymond Park playing basketball. We were not playing games, but doing drills and shooting. Current drill we were doing was shooting three pointers. The drill was basically shoot until you missed then it was the next person's turn. Simple as that.

I decided to just shoot because I wanted to talk to him about me and Jessica. Just to get his thoughts on it. I left out the part just before dinner. He was already getting thoughts of me and her together alone. If I was to tell him everything that happened then he would go insane.

"You're a sly dog." Dashaun said. He shot the ball and made it. I gave him the rebound.

"No I'm not. We just watched anime. Nothing more, nothing less." I told him.

"You expect me to believe you were with a beautiful girl from what you told me and nothing happened? I'm not stupid."

"I could make a case about you being stupid. Anyways, yes, nothing happened. Unlike you I don't have sexual thoughts in my head 24/7."

"Now you're lying." he said. He shot and missed. It was my turn now. "If you make this shot then I believe you."

I got to the three point line and shot. I missed it.

"See you are lying. The ball never lies."

"Shut up. Nothing happened. We just watched."

"Didn't you say she hated you?"

"I told you I had it handled brah."

"And where was she in your room?"

"In a chair of course."


"At first..."

He stopped shooting and looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"She was uncomfortable so she lied next to me in my bed."

"With you?" he asked. Here it comes. He is going to over exaggerate.

"Yes. That's what I said."

He just looked at me for a while. Then he shot and missed. He walked to the bench and got his stuff.

"What? Are you really mad?" I said. I wanted to laugh.

"Why are you lying to me, bro? You know and I know something happened." he said. I think he was really mad. I started laughing.

"All she did was sit next to me on my bed. I'm not like that. Plus, that was the first time we even did something together." I said.

"So you did do something!" he yelled. He is trying to find anything in my words.

"Yea...watched anime!" I said.

"So you guys were alone in your room. ALONE! Bro that was a date."

And that's what I wanted his opinion on. I was still confused about it. I should have known what he was going to think about. Personally I did not consider it a date.

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