Chapter 13

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A rare moment actually happened in the beginning of Autumn. The whole family went out for a day out of the town. It's not like we have not done things like that before, but I have usually always been reluctant. I just always felt out of place with being with my mom and dad. Maybe because I always felt if I went with them they would trap me into doing something awkward so I avoided the whole situation off jump. What can I say? Traumatized from childhood.

Today was different though. Today I had a buffer now. Jessica was with us. There was a good chance they would not make me do anything too crazy while she was here. It was nice just having someone else to come along besides just my parents and myself.

We decided to go out to East Rutherburg. Besides being known for the Stadium for the NY Giants and Jets, the place actually had a nice ambience to it. It had an old school vibe to New Jersey. It felt a bit unique from the rest of the state. At least to me. I don't get out much so this was a nice change of pace.

My parents found a nice cafe where we had brunch. We ate outside because it was a beautiful fall day and the area was really nice. Remnants of Summer. The cafe was in a nook between buildings. Flowers of many types and colors ran in between the alley way. The way the Sun was positioned it shined in between the buildings and brought out the scene like a painting. If you're not paying attention you can miss the cafe. A shame if someone does.

We all dressed pretty nice today as well. We didn't have any set plan, but figured we should put on some casual nice clothes. My dad had on some grey slacks and a purple polo. Mom wore a white spaghetti strapped dress with two black lines going down the middle diagonally. Jessica wore a blue sundress that crinkled at the end of it and it was designed with a white flower printed on her left breast and one on the center of her back. She wore white wedges today. This was one of the outfits she bought while with my mother when she first arrived. It felt like a mature casual wear just because it looked like something my mother would wear, but Jessica looked amazing in it. Perks of being naturally beautiful I guess.

Oh as for me. I wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a salmon ralph polo tee shirt with a pair of white air force 1s. Nothing crazy, but nice in terms of what I usually wear.

We did not do much at the cafe. We were all hungry because we skipped breakfast to come here. The food tasted amazing. I had me a french toast that was extremely fluffy with 2 scrambled eggs and sausage links. Mom and Dad had bacon and eggs with a soup that I did not know the name of. Jessica had pancakes, bacon, and eggs. So all the food was lovely.

When we weren't stuffing our faces my parents spent the time asking Jessica how her stay in the states were going. Of course she said she was loving it. She said she always wanted to go to the States and this was a good opportunity for her. Sounded good, but I felt like she did not say all of what she was feeling. Also, she did not say anything about being homesick at all. She is very far from home and is feeling no homesickness? I know she had her issues at home from what she told me before, but I thought even then you can feel homesick. Seems odd, but she could also just be a well put together girl. I did not say much. I just listened. I learn best from just listening.

After we all finished our meal we came up with some form of a plan. We decided to go to the mall and do whatever we wanted. Normally I stay away from the mall due to lack of money, but dad gave me and Jessica $50 to do whatever with. I don't like taking that much from my dad. I'm fine with my chores' money that he gives me for doing random things around the house. Right now though I can't say no to free money.

We made it to the mall at about one thirty. The mall we went to was relatively small. It seemed like a local one for the neighborhood. It was very nice inside though. It had a tall glass ceiling and brown walls all around. Usually you have malls with a white modern look, but this was different. Had your usual stores in it. From JC Penny to Foot Locker. Had a usual dollar store, but mostly clothing places. Typical mall, but not a bad thing at all.

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