Chapter 16

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Christmas day. My favorite holiday. Unfortunately, the only reason I like this holiday is the same reason for every other child, new stuff. This is about the only time of year I get new games. I also renew my Xbox live account. It's always a good day. My parents don't make a whole lot of money, but they start shopping early for presents so they could get what I want. Now we, since Jessica is here.

Another reason why I like Christmas day is because it is synonymous with game day. Every year we play on Christmas. On the sixteenth we dominated Riverside in our first game. We were clicking everywhere. I had a double double with 18 points, 10 assists, and 3 rebounds. Dashaun had 15 points on 5-6 from three, Adam of course had his, scoring 25 points. We won 85-33. Solid first win. We also had another game a few days after versus Clennon High. We won that one two. Easy win and nothing to really remember about it.

Today was not going to be so easy. Today was more serious. Today was our rivalry game. Today was Alvin.

Six was game time. I had to be at the school at four. That gave me some time to enjoy Christmas before I could get in the zone for the game. I got dressed and went down stairs. The tree was well lit. We keep it lit through Christmas Eve. Just a tradition we do. Under the tree was my stack of presents. I looked to my left and Jessica was on the couch with her gift opened and lit. She had a new laptop. Well damn.

"Good Morning, Ray." she said.

"Morning. Merry Christmas. Nice laptop." I responded.

"Yea. A Windows touch screen. And Merry Christmas."

"Wow. That's all you got?"

"Nope. The complete series of Dragon Ball Z."

"No you don't. Don't lie to me, girl!"

"It's right here."

I walked over to her. Just like she said. Not only the complete series of Dragon Ball Z, but Dragon Ball as well. What the hell. I wanted these for years.

"You are the luckiest girl in the world right now." I said

"I know." she laughed.

Went to the tree to retrieve my gifts. I opened them up. I got 3 new games and my Xbox live card. I got 2K13, Skyrim, and Halo 4.

"I love you mom and dad!" I said out loud.

"What you get?" Jessiaca asked.

I brought my games over to her. She was impressed. I'm a little mad she got a better laptop than me, but I am content with what I got.

"I'm going to be in my man cave for a long time." I said

"You're such a loser." Jessica said.

"A loser who got a man cave. I'll see you later."

"See you, Ray."

I ran up the stairs and turned on the Xbox. While the game loaded I went to my parents room.

"Merry Christmas mom and dad. Thank you." I told them. They were watching T.V.

"Merry Christmas, love" My mom said

"Merry Christmas, Ray. Glad you like your gifts." my dad said.

I went back to my room. I redeemed the code and it was time to play. Dashaun was online already at the dashboard. I guess he just got on too. It was eleven already. I sent him an invite. He joined a couple seconds later.

"Yerrrroooo!" I said.

"Yo what's good." Dashaun said.

"Nothing. I got this 2K."

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