Chapter 4

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One more day. On Sunday Jessica arrives and then everything changes.

I continued to lay in my bed. All of these questions are going through my head. How is she? Is she nice? Who will talk first? Will she even care if I'm here? Why am I even thinking about this?

I looked at the clock on my dresser. It was nine thirty. I'm here in bed thinking about things that I really did not care about while the day was wasting away. Thinking about it was not going to change the events of tomorrow. I'll wing it like I always do. In fact, I might not be in the house when she gets here anyway.

"Yeah. I'll meet her on my own time." I said to myself while I was stretching. I was getting ready for the day. My last day.

I got up, took a ten minute shower, put on some basketball shorts, my high school basketball shirt with my favorite black and white Nikes and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. After that it was time for the ten o'clock Sportscenter. A usual start to the day, but I still did not know what I wanted to do.

The hour passed relatively quickly. Nothing really new in the world of sports either. I just began to flip through the guide looking for something else to watch. Nothing was on of course. Just the same reruns as always. I decided to put it on Avatar the Last Airbender series. That is my go to show to watch. That show seems to be always on. If this was my last day to myself then this sucks.

I heard my dad coming down the stairs. Eleven is the usual time my parents wake up. I will never know why they wake up so late. I also heard the water running so I guess my mom was getting in the shower. If she was getting in the shower in the morning that meant she had something to do. She always took showers at night once she finished with all of her work and stuff. I wonder what she had to do today.

"Good morning Ray" my dad said as he walked into the living room.

"Eh." I said. It meant to be 'hi', but that's how it came out because I was bored.

"You got any plans for today?" my dad asked as he went to turn on the air conditioner like he does every time he wakes up In the summer. The air conditioner is not even that great. I try to tell him to get a new one, but my dad says to turn a fan on with it. He is so cheap. At least when he wants to be.

"Unless someone calls me, nope." I told him.

"I got some errands to run, want to come?"

"Um... nah, I'll pass."

"Ok." he said then left. He was not mad or anything. He used the 'ok' as a confirmation. He already knew I was going to say no. I rarely go with him on his errands. The only time I do is when I want something for myself. Right now I had no money so there was nothing I could get.

Thirty minutes later my mom came downstairs. She was wearing her favorite sundress, a blue one with a white flower at the bottom and white shoes. She must be doing something nice today for her to wear this stuff.

"Rick, do you have tea made?" my mom asked as she was headed to the kitchen. She did not even acknowledge my presence. I did not mind. She seemed preoccupied.

"Yes, honey. I also made breakfast. I've made eggs and grits. You want some?" my dad said.

I knew I smelled something good! It is not even breakfast, it is brunch. It is basically noon. My dad never makes me anything anyway. He says I am at that age where I could feed myself. That gets on my nerves.

"No breakfast today. Connie and I are going to have lunch at one." my mom said. That's what she was doing today? She was just going on one of her girl's days with Connie. They probably were just going to shop and gossip all day.

The New ExperienceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang