Chapter 9: Fenton DNA

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"How about neither of us gets hurt?!" I suggested, as I tried to move away. "Why isn't that an option?"


Danny knocked Bertrand off of me. When he sent him flying, Bertrand transformed back into a little butler again. "Are you okay?" Danny asked me and I nodded, standing back up. He floated over to Bertrand. "Dude, your bedside manner reeks." He pulled out the Fenton Thermos and aimed it at him. "I think it's time we send you back to nursing school."

Bertrand screamed as the beam of light trapped him inside. Danny jumped down in front of me as he sealed the thermos shut. "Very impressive, Danny." Spectra said and we looked over to her in her new costume. "But a bit late, I'm afraid." Spectra wore tights and a crop top that fit her style and she smiled at us.

"I am in a modeling agency!" Tucker beamed with delight.

"It's nice, right? Smart, beautiful? Deadly?"

She raised an ecto-hand and grabbed at him. Spectra lifted him high up to the ground and slammed him back down. Tucker grabbed the lipstick and distracted Spectra by firing at her. She let go of Danny and went back down.

Danny knocked her far away into a hospital bed and she caught Jazz's beaker. "I can't feel my toes!" Jazz exclaimed to Spectra.

"Let's see if you can feel this!" Spectra threw Jazz away until one of the Kwan clones caught her.

"I've got it!" Kwan shouted. "Go long, other Kwans!"

Danny landed on his feet and turned invisible. He ran through each and every one of them to grab Jazz's beaker. The Kwan at the very end threw Jazz again and neither of his clones were able to catch it. "I've got her!" Tucker said and leaped forward. "It!...Whatever!" He somersaulted with Jazz's beaker on the ground.

"Your fly is open." Jazz commented instead of thanking. Tucker blankly stared at her.

Danny launched himself at Spectra who blasted him backwards and stomped her foot on his chest.

I hear him scream in pain and I whirled around. "Danny!" I said, running forward, but Spectra used her hand to fire an ecto-blast at me, too.

"(Y/n)!" Danny shouted helplessly at me.

"Ah...there we go." Spectra said as her eyes glowed green with power along with her whole body. "Your DNA is finally kicking in. Which means I shall be all powerful in 3...2...1." Just then, her body transformed and she became a little...fat. "What?!" She looked down at herself. "What happened? Why do I suddenly feel like blathering about ghosts and why do I feel like eating fudge? Lots and lots of fudge?"

"You wanted Fenton DNA!" Danny said, and I went over to help him up. "Unfortunately, you got it...courtesy of my dad's nose." I looked away, with my hand around Danny's arm and a bright light appeared. I took a peek and frowned when I saw Spectra's body covered in snot. "There's ah...'you blew it' pun somewhere, but I'd rather not."

Suddenly, Spectra jumped down on Danny who knocked me out of the way. "You're doomed, kid." Spectra said, angrily. "And you know what? So are your friends. Now that those bugs have dug into their skin, there's nothing that can get them out."

"That's what she thinks." Tucker muttered to himself, and I watched him run away.

"Will you please get off me!" Danny yelled, shoving his fist into her face only to be covered in snot. He pulled a line of snot out and I tried not to barf. "You know, if my life wasn't in stake, I would hurl right now." He kicked Spectra upwards to the ceiling and she stuck on.

"Okay, that's it." Spectra said, hanging from it. "Let's boogie!"

"See, that's the kind of pun I was avoiding with the whole 'you blew it' comment?"

When Danny was knocked into a disposable cart, Spectra loomed over him and said, "Any last words?"

We all stopped to take a whiff that was coming from the air vents. "Yeah, do you smell gym shorts and gingersnaps?" I asked from the sides.

"Actually...I smell tennis shoes and fudge nutters..." Spectra said. "Ugh...What is that ghastly odor?"

The whole hospital started becoming overwhelmed with the scent and spread out in every room. When I smelled the scent, the ghost bug from my shoulder fled away and I smiled at Danny. We all watched a whole swarm of bugs flying around and Spectra was shocked.

" is this possible?"

Danny jumped out of the cart to finish his final blow at her. Literally. I made my way out from the mess and hid behind the cart. He pulled out the Fenton Thermos and started to suck everything into the Ghost Zone along with the walls of snot. Tucker and I caught up to Danny who changed back to normal.

"Way to come through in the clutch, Tuck!" Danny said.

"Yeah, Tucker!" I agreed. "You saved everyone! How do you like that? Your first trip to the hospital and you're the only one who didn't get hurt."

"It feels-!" Tucker started to say until Sam fell down from the ceiling. "Ow!"

Danny and I winced together and Sam asked me, "Can I uh...get my boot back now?"


The following day, we visited Tucker. The hospital had a limit of people who could visit, so it was just the five of us: me, Danny, Sam, and Danny's parents. "Tucker, we just wanted to thank you for getting Jazz and (Y/n) out of that awful hospital!" Danny's dad said on behalf of my parents. I was leaning my back against the drawer next to Danny and we were smiling at him. "Although,  I have to agree with the authorities. The whole ghost plot thing seems pretty far-fetched, huh, baby?" Mr. Fenton looked at his wife who smiled.

"Yeah," she laughed. "Everybody knows that humans can't have ghost powers! Bye Danny, bye (Y/n), we'll see you both at home~" I waved back at Mrs. Fenton before they headed out.

"I'm so sorry about your leg..." Sam walked over to Tucker on the side of his bed. She decided to stay and keep him company for the time being.

"I told you hospitals reek." Tucker said, shrugging.

"Oh, come on, Tucker." I said.

"Yeah," Danny agreed. "We beat Spectra, and you should be fine in 8-10 weeks."

"It could be worse." I shrugged and that was when the nurse wheeled in an old man.

"Here's your new roommate, Mr. Foley~" she said.

"Hi there," He said in a very raspy voice. "My name is Carl." The nurse wheeled him closer. "No need to put me in bed, sweetie. Just wheel me up to the whipper-snappers, so I can spend the next two weeks jabbering on about what it was like when I was his and the lady's age."

"And now it's worse." I said, and I pulled my wrist up. "Wow, look at the time." I looked over at Danny. "Shall we?"

"What?!" Sam and Tucker said. "Wait, you two!"

"You see that television?" The old man asked. "We didn't have televisions...we had a radio..."

"Oh come on." Sam mumbled, angrily. She started walking away until Tucker stopped her.

"Sam, you promised!" Tucker said as we waved goodbye from the doorway.

"Guys!?" We heard them on the way out as we hurried off.

We took a minute to stop in our tracks and smiled. "Still technically not a cry for help!" Danny said and we continued running away as Tucker and Sam screamed for help.

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