Chapter 20: Checkmate

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*Danny's POV continued*

After a while of fighting, I looked up sweating, and kept getting crowded by skeletons. There really was no end to all of this. I watched in shock when some of them got blasted away and I knew that wasn't from my powers. I looked up to see (Y/n) driving the Specter Speeder with Sam and Tucker sitting beside her.

"In general, I'm pretty opposed to violence, but I'm willing to make an exception in this case." Sam spoke up.

"Get out of here, you guys!" I angrily said. "It's too dangerous for you three to be here!"

"Don't worry." (Y/n) said, smiling at me, knowing that would throw me off for a loop. "We're not staying."

"The three of us were just making a delivery." Tucker grinned at him, and (Y/n) released the hatch. A huge green mist floated down to the ground, revealing all of the ghosts that were at the previous meeting.

I watched now as they flew away inside the Specter Speeder with a wave. "How did they cram all of you into the Specter Speeder?" I asked.

"Hey!" Ember shouted, offended as her blue hair of flames danced. "You ever been inside your stupid thermos? Compared to that, it was the Taj Mahal in there!"

"LESS TALKING MORE FIGHTING." Skulker interrupted, with guns and lasers appearing from his ecto-skeleton.

"BEWARE!" the idiot box ghost announced. "For my place of employment has given me a new weapon!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a really lame weapon. "The bubble wrap...of death!"

Klemper, the ghost from when we fought Ember way back then, inhaled and exhaled an icy breath. He had frozen most of the skeletons near us, and the box ghost wrapped them all together in bubble wrap. They rolled them down the slope.

Aragon, helped out by roaring flames overhead with Ember striking a chord from her guitar to the ghosts at the gates. Skulker jumped down on one of the skeletons. "Now go!" he said, turning to me. "Defeat him, so I will be free to hunt you another day!"

I floated down next to Ember. "Guy really knows how to motivate you." I said, rolling my eyes. I kicked the engines in full gear and throttled inside the castle. "Well...this is it." I landed at the main doors, busting it open.

"A little racket 'round the edges, eh, child?" Pariah Dark asked.

"What do you say...we ditch the snappy patter, and get to the part where I kick your butt?" I asked.

"Very well, I accept your terms!"

He flew towards me, and I acted quickly by pulling up a ghost shield around me. Pariah Dark slammed his staff down on my shield, which sends an electric shock at him. He flew away, and I felt myself being wiped out.

I jumped forward, clapped my hands together, and released a ghost ray from my hands to push him back further. As my hands were glowing, I started seeing stars. I put my hand over my head. "Having that much power, it's a burden, isn't it, child!?" Pariah Dark shouted.

Then, he tossed his staff at me, and I leaped over it. It followed me, and hit me at the back. I fell over and the staff returned to his hand. "The power isn't the burden..." I said. "The burden is how I use it, and I've been using it poorly lately."

I floated from the ground and struggled, gathering so much strength and energy to create clones of myself. The screen was blinking at me, reminding me that the power was at 25% now. My clones attacked him at different angles. "Now leave my town alone!" We shouted, punching him right in the face.

"Surrender, child." Pariah Dark said. "You can't possibly win."

"I don't have to win." I told him. I created a blast in the hole behind him, and showed him his coffin at the top of the stairs. "I just have to make sure that you lose!" One of my clones went up to open up the coffin and managed to get his crown off his head.

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