First Smile

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Off's P.O.V:

I was just washing some dirty dishes when a car horned outside of our house...

I was about to go outside when dad stopped me and volunteered to go outside Instead so I agreed and go back on washing the dishes...

My eyes widened when I saw a small figure man walking inside of our house...

I washed my hands first before completely ran towards them...

Mom and dad sat at the couch while Gun sat opposite side of them...

I just stood there beside my parents confused...

Why is he here though?

"I heard that you got stolen after you came at my safe house... is that true?" Gun asked them.

My mom sadly nodded. Dad looked at my mom first and held her hand for comfort...

Even though our situation is like this, I won't be ashamed to the fact that my parents are still the same with or without our wealthiness...

"The day you came there... You lied something..." Gun said. Lied? My parents lied? No way!!!

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean?" Dad stuttered.

"I asked you that day... 'How did you know me?' you answered 'You are one of the richiest person at Thailand... So we were wondering if... You won't declined it...' Funny that you lied about that thing..." He said. Wait I'm really confused right now...

"What do you mean sir-"

"You know me from the first place aren't you?" Gun asked them. My eyes widened and looked directly to my parents who were also shocked.


"I saw my grandpa's last letter to me just now... He told me that he was thankful that you gave him a perfect body guard for me..." He said. Is this the Gunsmile guy who just died? Gun mentioned it when he suddenly slept on my shoulder that day when he needed someone to comfort him...

"Yeah... Your grandpa was a good friend of ours... He helped us for some businesses and some other stuff that related to work... One day... Your grandpa called and asked for something... It's just a small thing... He only ask to get him someone who can protect his grandson... We agreed to help him and called someone... It's been years... We never knew who is the person we assigned to take care of you due on some busy days back then..." Dad said. Yeah... Busy days back then...

"I was thankful that... You gave me the best body guard and a right hand of my business... Sadly he died just days ago..." Gun said and lowered his head.

He's sad... I can feel it...

"Oh really? I'm sorry..." Mom apologized.

Gun finally lift his head up to face my parents again...

"It's okay... He's a good friend... He's on other's safe hand now..." Gun said. Who? God's hand? Is that what he meant?

My parents just smiled at him...

"So... I'm here to help you back just like what my grandpa wants too..." Gun said. Me and my parents just looked at each other...

We don't know what he mean by that...

I'm confused when gun gave my parents 2 envelopes...

My mom opened the first envelope to see what's inside of it...

"The guy who took all of your money at your company just got arrested today... In that case... The money he stole from you gave back to me... I used it to pay everything back to your company... In additional... Everything came back just as you used too... And about the part where you sell Elite international college..." Gun paused first as dad opened another envelope to see what's inside of it...

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