A night to remember

42 3 0

Gun's P.O.V

After that shitty conversation with off, I couldn't believe that he's the one who saved me that day!

It's been 2 weeks since that private talk with off happened and that's one of the reasons why I can't sleep!

Talking personally with off feels weird. It's not that I'm uncomfortable talking to him, maybe I'm not familiar of that warm feeling that off gave me everytime...

He acts exactly like gunsmile especially the way they both comforted me because they both respect my personal space...

I'm beyond happy about it. But of course, I should never trust easily...

I shrugged that thoughts off and stood up...

I opened the window curtains and enjoyed looking at the bright sun...

It's beautiful from this sight, looking warm and comfortable...

I smiled lightly and started fixing my bed...

After that, I left my room and goes downstairs to have my morning coffee...

Living in my mansion alone is kinda lonely, no matter how many maids, Butlers and bodyguards I hired, it's still lonely...

I sat on the couch and started watching the news...

If you ask me how many people I hired in a day for taking good care of my place... I would say...

"20 maids, 7 Butlers, and 36 bodyguards..." I uttered as one of my maid gave me a cup of coffee...

"Enjoy your coffee sir!" My maid happily said and walked away to do her other chores...


I shrugged as I took a sip of my coffee, fuck this always brightens my day...

When I finished my coffee, a news about my dad popped out...

"We heard that you build a new company again... Can you tell us more about it?" The reporter asked him.

He's lucky that I finished my coffee before I even seen this news or else 🔪...

"Yes, I build my new company again... This time, it's an entertainment company for our future artists... We already started our audition today and within this week... You'll finally know them! So please look forward to their future works!" Dad said. Damn, what a nice talker...

"We are going to look forward about it! Once again I am Del from Bangkok News report! " The reporter said and ended the news...

I rolled my eyes and turned the TV off, dad is quite annoying for my morning coffee...

I sighed as I stood up and was about to go back upstairs when I saw someone entered my mansion...

It's off...

"I'm sorry for the disturbance young master... You have a guest that wanted to meet you..." The mayordoma said.

Why is he here?

"It's okay... You can go now..." I said. The mayordoma smiled at me and bowed.

"Thank you young master..." She said and left us behind to do her ongoing works.

I curiously walked towards him, giving him a threatening look which works everytime...

"How are you?" He asked. What is wrong with him today? He seems... odd.

"Why are you here?" I straightforwardly asked. I need reasons off jumpol...

"You didn't attend to your class for almost 2 weeks... You were left behind to your lessons..." He said. Is that it?

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