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Chapter Nineteen: Part 1: Agatha's Rage EDITED 90 % (808 words)

It was Saturday, and Meriam was excited. She was going home today and couldn't wait to see Talia. She dreamed of the great things they might do later. It was the end of her fourth week at Savannah House, and the Bastians would pay her today, as stated in her contract. She packed her bags, which were upstairs, waiting to be picked up when she was ready to leave. Aarav was coming when the Bastians were due at half-past eleven, only half an hour away. Mr Bastian had called early this morning, informing her of their time of arrival.

Meriam had an hour-long lesson session with Ralph early this morning. He arrived at Savannah House in fine spirits and couldn't stop talking. He went camping with his friends and Keith and his brothers last night in Aarav's yard. They slept in camper tents, and roasted potatoes and fish and ate it with lime juice, salt and pepper. After his lessons, his friends Tyo, Mike and Ricardo came by and they left to walk down Chocolate Street to Aarav's house.

Aarav called her last night when he got time alone, before his shower. He expressed his wish to see her, but couldn't leave the guys. They discussed the possibility of her going there, but remembered it was against the terms and conditions of her employment. She couldn't leave the house while on duty there. She considered the possibility of Elaine getting a fit in her absence and realised that it'd land her in trouble.

Meriam sat in the great room beside Elaine, sketching in her sketchbook. The older woman was watching the gardening channel and commenting now and then on whatever caught her interest. Elma was busy cooking lunch, her happy singing protruding into the great room, reaching Meriam's ears, rousing her spirits. That was something she admired about Elma, her contagious, joyful, enthusiastic spirit, that swept anyone around under her enchanting spell, lifting their spirits.

Meriam continued sketching. Over twenty minutes later, voices emanating from the foyer drew Meriam's attention. It was the Bastians.

Agatha was the first to enter the great room, her expression sombre. "Morning," she said.

"Good morning." Meriam answered.

Elma rushed into the great room, as Mr Bastian appeared a minute later, carrying three market bags. He smiled, masking his tiredness. "Good morning," he said.

"Oh, good morning," Meriam answered.

"Morning." Elma said. She took the market bags from Mr Bastian.

Mr Bastian took a seat on the sofa next to Meriam's. He turned to Elma. "There're groceries in the van. Ask Ralph to get them," he said.

"Oh! Ralph, not here. I will get them myself. Let me drop dis in de kitchen first," she said, turning to the kitchen.

Agatha took a seat opposite Meriam. She sounded surprised. "Where's Ralph?" she asked.

Elma turned around, facing her. "He's at Aarav's house with his friends. They went camping last night at Aarav's place."

Meriam was glad Elma mentioned nothing about him failing his tests. They should hear it from her, she thought. It was she who must break the news.

Agatha was silent. Elma disappeared inside the kitchen, hurrying back out and disappeared towards the foyer.

Agatha looked at Elaine, who's been looking on, confused expression on her face. "Morning Ma, how are you this morning?"

Elaine's confused expression grew bigger. She stared at Agatha and said nothing.

"Hello Ma, how are you?" Mr Bastian asked.

The old lady looked at Mr Bastian, blinking, saying nothing. Then, her eyes opened wider, and a smile formed on her lips. "I good, my son."

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