Chapter 41

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Seraphina's POV

Please god, not now. I was a nun for 6 months, I'm on your side. I rush out of the room and into the bathroom through a door off the side of the room, fighting a panic attack.

I was doing so well up until his hand touched my thigh. Why? Why now?

Fucking childhood trauma that's why.

I took a large gulp of the bottle of vodka I ordered from the bar.

And then another.

And another.

And another.

Soon almost half the bottle was gone and I was less on edge.

Soldiering through, I slip off my dress and let it drop to the floor.

I smile to myself a little. I still had my panties on. I was so good at faking orgasms I should get an award, Julio aswell.

We were never actually having sex, just faking enough to get Eros in the right mood for me to manipulate. Julio is gay and I would never force him to have sex with me, no matter how close we are. I offered him an out, saying he didn't have to do it and he could walk away. But he seemed fine, happy to do it.

The vodka took the edge off and I slip on the deep red robe I brought with me, so he couldn't see my back and I grabbed the file with the address and names in it.

Time to make him beg.

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