Chapter Two

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That night John couldn't sleep for multiple reasons. To start off, it had been so long since the last time that he has slept in a bed that he simply doesn't find it comfortable. On top of that no matter how many times he has told himself that he is safe in his and Peter's apartment and no one can hurt him he can't shake the feeling that no one is awake to make sure that no one attacks. To make it worst he can't fall asleep without being scared of having nightmares of what happened when they were gone; the explosions, the blood, the smell, the deaths. And lastly, he couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about Rose. The way she walked, the way she talked, her sweet and innocent look. He couldn't get her out of his mind. He knew he shouldn't think of her so much and he was drowned by a feeling of guilt. Peter liked her, his best friend. The guy who was always there for him, through out the good days and the bad. He gave him a place to stay and food to eat when he had no where else to go. He couldn't do that to him. He had to find a way to let go of this obsession with the waitress.

He got up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon coming from the small kitchen in their apartment. The kitchen and the living room were connected together and surrounded by white walls. The kitchen had a window leading out to the large beige apartment building situated on the other side of the road. A large table for four was facing the window, and the walls of the kitchen were aligned with a few counters, a sink, a stove and lastly a white fridge. The living room was pretty empty expect for a library on the same wall as the window and a brown couch on the opposite wall. The wall at the end of the living room had a few weights along with a few exercise mats.

When John walked into the kitchen, he was greeted with a table containing a white plate staked with fluffy chocolate chip pancakes and another with crispy bacon. It also contained a milk container, two plates, two cups and two pairs of utensils. John sat across from Peter immediately digging into some food. Not only was he starved from his sleepless night of thinking he missed this. Waking up in the morning to a delicious breakfast and a full day to do whatever he wants whether that be reading, writing, running, etc. It was a good change to waking up to another day of fear not knowing if that'll be your last time waking up.

Peter was wearing a nice light blue suit and had clearly taken time in the shower today. His skin almost shined from how clean it was and his hair smelled like his strawberry shampoo. He had even sprayed himself with cologne.

You're dressed fancy.

It's my date with Rose today.

You don't usually go all out for a date.

Honestly, I was just happy to be able to take a nice long shower. I think the thing I was looking forward to the most coming home was not feeling dirty and disgusting anymore. I mean that and growing my hair back I look ridiculous like this I don't even know how I managed to get a date with Rose.

Peter grew up in what he likes to describe as a family with a bit more money than average but every one else knew that his family wasn't just wealthier than average. They were one of the richest in the city. His dad used to be the best lawyer in the city and past downed his talents to his son. Peter started doing cases while he was still in high school. It was just a small after school job but he had never lost a case. This led to the title of the best lawyer in the city being past down to him while he was still in his senior year of high school. Needless to say that money permitted Peter to always have the newest and most fashionable cloths and the best hair products there are. This led to him being obsessed with everything being cleaned. He had to take two showers a day and wash his hair once a day. His hair would always be perfectly trimmed, combed and smelled like strawberries even after sweating in gym class and he would never wear cloths twice without cleaning it. He would even throw away his cloths every six months saying that no matter how many times you washed it the dirt would always build up too much to wear it longer than that.

Where are you going on your date?

We're just going to go on a stroll near the beach, maybe go dancing, dinner and I got us tickets to the new broadway show I red was extraordinary.

John was truly happy for his friend. He's never looked at a girl the way he looked at Rose at the diner. He could tell that Peter truly liked the girl that got him mesmerized. He really went all out for this date as well. He usually never takes a girl out for a date more expensive than a dinner at a fancy restaurant and would invite them to his house within the first hour. But John couldn't help the feeling of envy that spread through his entire body. He wanted to be the one going on that date with Rose. Taking her to the latest broadway show and returning home where they would talk for hours about it. Walking through the beach hand and hand talking about their futures and what they love. Going to dinner and learning what her favorite food is so he can make sure to learn how to cook it. But he has to keep reminding himself that not only is it extremely wrong to like the girl that his best friend is taking out but he didn't stand a chance. While Peter was the ladies man and always bringing home different woman, John had only ever dated one girl in his life. He was more of the shy type who preferred to read than to go dancing and hit on a girl. He was not the type that girls usually fell for.

John was determined to forget about the waitress and decided to sit down and read a book hoping that this will distract him from his forbidden crush. 

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