Chapter Fifteen

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John has been going out with Rose for probably a month now and every day is the same. He picks her up at the end of her shift and they drive down to the lake where they eat and wrap themselves in each others arms. They won't leave until the sun has set and they are surrounded by darkness. They have not gone a day without their picnic date. Even if Rose's shift is different or she has an audition they'll always find a few hours to be cuddled up by the river. Some people might think that this is way too repetitive and get bored but for John he's never been happier. When he's with her, he doesn't think about his time in war, his horrible parents or how disappointed Peter will be. He doesn't think about the future or the past all he thinks about is the present. And the present is holding Rose in his arm as they look up at the clouds and talk about whatever and whoever comes into their minds. They don't care what they talk about as long as they can hear each others voices.

John has never felt this way about anyone before. He always reads about characters falling in love and doing everything to stay together even if it meant dying but John has never really understood it. But now he does. He understands the never-ending feeling of happiness and giddiness. He understands never being able to look away from that person because watching them fills you up with butterflies and warmth, a feeling you never want to let go of. He can finally relate to never being able to stop touching someone because their touch is like a missing body part. Without their body against yours, it feels like you're missing a limb. Their body has become part of yours. He can finally understand always needing to be next to that person. Being away from them just feels like emptiness. Like there's something in your heart that simply isn't there and no matter how much you try to think about something else all you can think about is that person and reuniting with that missing part of you because your souls have merged into one. And finally he can understand the feeling of not hesitating to die in order to be with someone. John never really loved Romeo and Juliet as he couldn't stop judging them for being reckless. Who would throw their life away for someone they just met? Couldn't they just find someone else that they loved? But now he can relate to Romeo. If Rose were to die, he would end his life too. He couldn't stand the thought of having to live without his Juliet. He would rather die and be reunited with her than to suffer through a miserable life without her.

In a way John and Rose were kind of like Romeo and Juliet. No, they weren't part of two rival families who would rather kill then to see a relationship between the two couples. They don't have two huge families fighting against their relationship, and they don't have to die in order to stay together but there is still something or rather someone keeping them apart, Peter. Peter, John's best friend who has helped him with everything for as long as John could remember whether it be money, a place to stay, training for the military and even how to talk to girls. His best friend who is unfortunately in love with Rose and even wants to marry her and have kids together some day. Peter, the guy that Rose went on a date with where they both had an amazing time. But Rose doesn't see a future with him but how can she say that to him? The last thing she wants to do is hurt his feelings. So instead, she just keeps on making excuses as to why she can't go on dates with him; I'm working, I need to go visit my family, I have to go to bed early as I have an early shift, I have an acting class, etc.

Of course, if John and Rose weren't so blindly in love with each other they might realize that keeping it a secret from him is causing way more damage. He will eventually find out, and knowing that they've been keeping it a secret will hurt him a lot more than if they were to tell him themselves. If they would've been less concentrated on each other, they might realize that they should go and tell him right now before the damage becomes irreversible. They could explain to him that they never wanted to hurt his feelings and it just kind of happened and maybe he would forgive John for betraying his trust. But, unfortunately, John and Rose never realized any of that. Instead, they just keep seeing each other hoping that he'll never find out. John was being too naive and thought that he'll be able to keep being Peter's best friend and live in the same house as him and not tell him about the girl he wants to marry in the future. Maybe even in the near future. And Rose being too naive to realize that she can't keep making excuses as to why she can't go on dates with Peter. He will eventually get mad and demand to know the truth. What will she tell him then? That she's been sneaking around with his best friends for weeks without telling him? That he's been excitedly planning date after date with Rose that she keeps rejecting while his best friend has been going on dates with her instead? That every time he talked to John about how excited he was to go on another date with Rose John knew that she didn't want to be with him yet never said anything? Unfortunately, they were too naive to really realize the damage that this secret will cause in the near future. Maybe their relationship will be even more like Romeo and Juliet than they thought? 

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