Chapter Twelve

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They've been on the date for a few hours now but for them it feels like only a few of minutes. Time just seems to pass in a flash when they're together. They've drank a bunch of champagne while feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries which turns out to be her favorite dessert. Luckily John was right about her. She admitted that she enjoyed a lot more the simple dates than a really expensive one. She prefers dates like a small picnic since they can learn more about each other in a private setting where there are no interruptions rather than a public setting like a fancy restaurant where you're surrounded by a bunch of noise and interruptions. She finds it harder to get to know someone when there's a bunch of people surrounding them and overhearing everything they say.

They spent most of the date talking about books and plays like they usually do but John took this time together to learn more about Rose personally. He knew a lot about her opinions on books and theatres but he wanted to know more about her and her story.

She grew up on a small farm in the country with her parents, two older brothers and one younger sister. She loved everything about the farm, especially the animals. She would spend most of her days feeding or playing with them. She would especially love to ride the horses, and she even participated in a few riding competition with her favorite horse Lily. She would actually win most of them too. But she would feel so bad about going to the competition with just one of the horses and not the rest that she would spend the next day going out to ride for hours with every single horse and cleaning them afterwards too. They were like her children and she never wanted to make them feel like she favoured Lily just because she was a faster horse. But as much as she loved her life on the farm with her animals, reading was her favorite part of the day. Every time that she was given money for Christmas or her birthday she would take one of her horses all the way to town to buy a few books and plays and would spend all night reading them. When she would eventually fall asleep, she would dream of being inside of the books.

One day, on her sixteenth birthday, her parents promised her a trip to wherever she wanted to go which had been a family tradition ever since her eldest brother was born. She picked New York. She knew that this was the city to go if you wanted to see a play so she saved up her money from Christmas and her birthday in order to get tickets for Romeo and Juliet which was playing when she went to New York. When she got to see the amazing actors, she instantly knew that she wanted to be up there herself one day. She knew that New York was the place for her. So when she got home, she found a job at a book shop in town where she would work two - three days a week. With the money saved from her job, Christmas's and birthdays she was able to afford, once she turned eighteen, a tiny one room apartment in New York. She was planning on finally making her dreams come true.

She's been in New York for four years now and it hasn't exactly gone the way she planned. She went to audition after audition for all plays that she could yet no one wanted her which John found truly hard to believe judging by how beautiful she is. According to Rose all the casting directors told her that she wasn't talented enough and to come back once she got a role. That truly angered John how is she supposed to get a role if she can't get one without already having one. He honestly found all of those casting directors idiots. She's breathtakingly beautiful and would fit perfectly in the role of every female lead. She has all the important attributes; the long silky hair, the winning smile, large round eyes, soft clean skin and her voice is so sweet and would sound amazing on stage. He's never seen her act but he's sure that she's great. Even if she wasn't great, her beauty should be worth putting in the extra work to make her good enough. But no casting director was smart enough so instead of being on stage and making a room full of people fall in love with her she's been spending her days working at a small diner which gives her just enough money to pay for bills and food. She's been taking on as many shifts as they would let her to hopefully make enough money to go to acting classes but with the small money she makes she's only been able to go once a month which, according to casting directors, isn't enough.

Listening to her ramble on about her love for animals and the theatre and her disappointment of not getting casted just makes John's love for her grow even more even if he didn't think that was possible. He just kept thinking that he'll make sure her dreams come true. He'll get a job to pay for her bills and food, so she can spend all her money earned at the dinner on acting classes to become the perfect actress. He'll accompany her to every single one of her auditions to give her his support and he'll spend hours on the days leading up to it practicing her lines with her and giving her criticism to make sure she has the best chance to get that role. Thinking of her being happy and finally having everything she's ever dreamed of makes him the happiest he's ever been so again without thinking about anything he did the stupidest thing ever and asked her on a second date. And, of course, to screw him over even more she said yes. 

John, Peter and RoseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ