Chapter Twenty Two

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What John and Rose didn't know was that while they were having this heartfelt date Peter was frustrated. He couldn't believe that a girl would do that to him. She could've told him from the beginning that she wasn't interested but instead she decided to be selfish and waste weeks of his life. Peter had been up all night thinking of how someone could be this self centered and came up with only one explanation. She didn't have any interest in him, but she did have interest in his money. She never wanted to be with him, but she enjoyed all the gifts that he would send her. The flowers, chocolates, jewelry, etc she loved that all too much to give them away and so she decided to simply pretend that she wanted to be with him but was just too busy. Peter knew that this wasn't the first time that a girl was just interested in him for his money and looks but they would go on dates with him and put effort in. Therefore, he didn't mind playing along until he found another girl. Rose didn't even have the decency to put in the effort. If she wasn't going to put in any work then he wouldn't play along.

He decided to meet up with Rose after her shift to talk to her and demand all of the jewelry back. He might of wasted time that he can't get back but at least he might be able to get a bit of his money back. He didn't have the time to talk to her tho as she got into the car of another man. So, there was another man all along. This made it ten times worst than he already thought. Not only was she profiting off of his money, but she was profiting off another guy as well. He wondered if the other guy knew that his girl went on a date with Peter. Did he know that she constantly accepted gifts from another man? Did he know that she was leading on another man? Does she really like this guy or is she also just after his money? Maybe he and Peter aren't the only men that she's doing this too. Maybe she's playing with multiple guys in order to get their money. When Peter first met Rose he thought that she was one of the nicest and most caring woman he's ever met but that was clearly just a mask that she puts on in order to get peoples money.

Peter was determined to talk to Rose today and just because she was on a date with another guy it doesn't mean that he would back down. So, he got in his car and followed their vehicle which looked a lot like his other car but it has to just be a coincidence. There are many of those vehicles in the city. Almost every guy with a lot of money gets one. If Rose is after men with money it is not odd that they have the same car. The car has been driving through the city for about thirty minutes now when they turn into this small road leading to a forest. Peter has never heard anyone talk about this road or what it leads to, so it must be very rarely frequented. Because of this Peter decided to park his car and go through the trail by foot. They would be suspicious if they saw a car following them somewhere that people rarely go. He walked through the path for a while before he turned left which led to an open area which judging by the sound of water had a lake near by.

The scenery was beautiful but none of that mattered because sitting in the middle was Rose with John. Peter was in denial. It couldn't be John. It could simply be someone who looked a lot like him. It's not like John had any distinctive features; brown hair, brown eyes, slightly tanned and muscled. There were hundreds of men who had those exact same features walking around New York. His eyes were clearly playing a trick on him it couldn't be John. John is his best friend, his brother. He would never do that to him. He would never date the girl he loves and if he did he would tell him right away right? John would be worried that he would get mad, but they would talk and Peter would be ok with it. He could never get mad at his best friend for finding love. But keeping it a secret for weeks while knowing that Rose was leading Peter on. That is unforgivable and also something that John would never do. He was way too nice and responsible than to do something so disrespectful and stupid.

Even if by some rare chance it was John. There had to be an explanation. It doesn't mean that they're hanging out together that their dating. Of course it looks like a date with the picnic and the champagne but there could be a million other explanation. Maybe he decided to talk to Rose himself and see why she was lying to his best friend. He's a great friend chances are he's trying to help him. Maybe he decorated everything all nicely and romantically so she could feel comfortable and tell him the truth. Of course to everyone else, this explanation was illogical. Rose and John were clearly having a date with the champagne, the chocolate covered strawberries, the way they would slightly touch each other and even just the way they would look into each others eyes with a look of pure love.

But then Rose and the man kissed which made something click in Peter. It was not a random man it was John, his best friend. There was no use in being in denial. His own brother betrayed him. He got with the girl of his dreams and kept it a secret for weeks. How could he do that to him? After everything that he has done for him, this is how he repays him. He simply doesn't understand why he would do that. Didn't they have more respect for each other than that? Peter thought that his friendship with John was irreplaceable. That they loved and respected each other more than anyone else but maybe it was just one sided. Maybe while Peter was giving John money so he's not homeless and risking his life so he could help John survive the war John didn't care about him the same way. John and Rose were the exact same. They both didn't want a friendship or relationship they just wanted his money. 

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