Chapter Twenty Four

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Life has been very difficult for John this past week. Luckily, Rose let him stay at her apartment. If it would've been any other week John would've loved this. He would've taken the opportunity to kiss Rose every chance he got and compliment her none stop. He would try to cook her dinner every single day. He's not the best cook but he would try his best to make it as perfect as she is. He would always set up candles and champagne in order to make every dinner romantic. They would take romantic baths together and talk about their future. He would cuddle up with her on the couch and read their favorite books together for hours. They would read each other their favorite parts and talk about the characters. They would fall asleep almost every day cuddled up on the couch with books in their hands. He would spend the day when she's away at work trying to find a job to help pay for rent and food. He doesn't want to have to depend on her money his whole life. He wants to be the one that she can depend on if she ever needs money. It'll be hard of course with nothing but a high school diploma and no experience not even in a simple restaurant job but he would do it for her. But this week none of that happened. This week was spent with John cuddled up in bed on the constant verge of tears. He couldn't find the energy to do anything but sleep. Sometimes he would be able to eat a couple of bites of whatever Rose brought him but usually the food would be left un touched. He lost his brother, the guy he grew up with, how could he be expected to be ok?

He felt bad for Rose. He was being a horrible boyfriend. Not helping at all around the house and leaving her to do everything even though she has to work. She has been a complete angel towards him. Giving him a place to stay and bringing him food in bed every day. She would even take time out of her day trying to convince him to get up and how does he repay her? By almost never eating the food, she makes and never getting up. To make the situation worst he can't help but think she might feel guilty. If she would've never dated John he would still have his friendship with Peter. She probably feels like it was her fault but John could never blame her. He doesn't regret dating Rose he never would. He loved Rose with everything in him. He would loose his friendship with Peter 100 times again to be with her. He just wished that he wouldn't have had to let go of his friendship to be with her. The worst is that he could've kept both if he was more responsible. If he would've told Peter the truth from the start, none of this would've happened. Maybe he would still be living with Rose but he would be living with her out of choice and not because he got kicked out of Peter's apartment. Maybe Peter would've even met another girl and they could be going on double dates together but none of this is possible now all because of his reckless decisions.

He couldn't keep doing this to Rose. She was the last person he has. So, he mustered every last bit of energy and got out of bed. He needed to do something really special to show how sorry he is for his behaviour these past weeks. He started by taking a shower, scrubbing off all the stunk that he's gotten from a week without showering and making sure to shampoo his hair twice to get rid of all of the grease. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before going into the kitchen ready to make the only decent meal he knew how to cook. It was just spaghetti but it was Peter's mom special recipe and it was John's favorite meal growing up. He didn't doubt that Rose would love it just as much as him. He didn't have enough time or money to go to the store and find romantic decoration but he was able to find candles that he lit and placed in the middle of the table. By the time that Rose got back to the apartment he had set two plates of spaghetti and filled two cups of wine. He was also dressed in a black suit and his hair which had now grown back from his military cut was gelled back.

What is all of this?

I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately.

You just lost your best friend. It's ok for you to be sad.

It's not an excuse. You've been amazing with letting me stay at your house and I should've acted more grateful about it. And I promise that starting tonight I will be better. I'll find a job and help you pay for everything, and I'll help cook and clean. I don't want to just live in your house for free I want to be a great boyfriend and help with everything that you need.

The dinner was great. For the first time in a while, John didn't think about Peter anymore all he could think about was how much he was enjoying his time with Rose. He missed this, but he couldn't help noticing that something was wrong with Rose. She seemed a bit more quiet than usually and her face was laced with worry even if she was trying to hide it.

What's wrong?


I know you Rose, you're hiding something.

There's been rumours going around.

Rumours about what.

That the war is restarting.

John felt nothing but fear. This couldn't be true. He finally found a girl that he loves and wants to spend his life with and now he's going to have to leave her and possibly die. He wouldn't survive it this time. John knew nothing about guns and fighting. He wasn't athletic whatsoever. He only survived last time because of Peter. Wherever John went Peter followed and made sure to protect him. This time he would be going all alone.

John calmed himself tho. They were just rumours. Rumours go around all the time. Chances are they were just spread by people who were paranoid and thought everything was a sign of war. Even by some small chance that there was a war who says that he would be picked to go again? There are millions of men who could be sent instead of him. John wasn't going back to war no matter what happened. 

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