Chapter Ten

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John is walking back to his apartment with one single thought running around his head; what the hell did he just do? He just asked the girl that his best friend is dating on a date. He doesn't know what went over him. One second he was just trying to enjoy Rose's company knowing that that will be the last time he sees her until she becomes more serious with Peter and the next he was asking her out on a date. The words came out before he even knew what he was doing. It's like his heart took control of his body without the brain having any control. If he had time to think he wouldn't have been that stupid. But unfortunately for John he was that stupid and now he has to pay the consequences.

The worst part of it all is that she said yes. When the words came out of his mouth, he comforted himself by knowing that she would say no. She was already taken by another better man, and she would have to reject him. John was actually happy that he asked her out for a few seconds as he thought that her rejecting him might make the moving on process easier but of course she surprised him once again and said yes. She's dating the man of everyone's dream, yet she said yes to going on a date with John. He was more confused than ever before. Why would she say yes if she was already taken? Did she not enjoy the date with Peter? Did she simply pity John and didn't want to make him feel bad? The latter seems more likely. Peter has talked for hours about how he and Rose enjoyed their date. From what Peter has said there's no way that Rose didn't enjoy that date. She for sure liked Peter and wanted to go on another date with him so the only logical conclusion is that she felt pity for John. I mean she watched him sit alone at the same diner all day for weeks she must think he's some sort of loser who needs saving.

John hates himself for this, but a small part of him is kind've happy that he's going on a date with Rose. This is his chance with her. He can bring her on a perfect date with a picnic and flowers. He would decorate the picnic blanket with rose petals and bring some sandwiches and champagne. He would keep it simple since she seems like a woman who loves the simple stuff. Someone who doesn't like to get all dressed up and go out to all these fancy restaurants but would much rather dress up in casual clothing, wear very little make up and do something simple and casual. Maybe she would even prefer to simply cook a meal to share at home, so she wouldn't even have to leave the house. This was John's chance to prove to her that he was the best man for her. That he understood her. That he would be the perfect man to marry and spend the rest of her life with. It would probably take a while as she would be too blinded by Peter's better charm and looks but when she would realize it John would have to try to find a job so he can support them both. He could buy a small home for them, and she would be waiting with a clean house and fresh cooked meal every time he came home. They would then eat whatever she cooks which John just knows will be delicious. Rose is perfect she's surely a good cook also. They would spend the rest of the night either reading together or talking about the book that they just finished reading. Eventually, they would even have children a boy and a girl. He's not sure what they would call them but he would let her pick out the names. Maybe, they could find some more flower names and start a new family tradition, but he knew Rose better than that. She would probably name them after book characters that she likes.

They would raise their kids with so much love and care. They would read them to sleep every night and let them sleep in their bed when they have nightmares. They would spend hours cuddling with their kids or playing with them. Whether it be dolls or cars they would just be happy to be doing it together as a family. Once the kids start going to school John would help them with all of their homework. He would make sure that the kids work hard at school but also make sure that they take the time to enjoy their childhood by making it a rule that there is no homework on Saturdays. This would also be the day where they go on their weekly milkshake run as a gift for the hard week and the rest of the day is for nothing but fun. They would also never get mad at their kids for not doing well in a class. School isn't everything and bad grades just means that they need to help them with their studying a bit more. Once the kids move out they would enjoy how ever many years left they have together. They would grow old and die together happy knowing that they created their perfect little family.

The bigger part of John tho feels sickened by himself for even thinking happy thoughts at the moment. That dream life, that he's thinking of is just supposed to be that; a dream. It is supposed to be a reality for Rose but not with John but with Peter. John can't get in the way of Rose and Peter's perfect life with their perfect little family. It's not like John would never see Rose again he would be best man at the wedding and would baby sit their future children. Hell, if Peter wasn't joking one of their kid would be named after John. John can't get his dream life, but he will be able to watch from the side as Peter and Rose got theirs.

Unfortunately tho, John already said yes to the date and he can't just not show up. So, as much as it makes him sick to think about what he's doing to his friend he has to go on that date. But he has to make sure to never agree to one again. This needs to be a one-time thing and then he'll stay out of the way and let Peter have his girl. 

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