Chapter Four

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John spent a lot longer jogging than he expected. Three hours to be exact. He initially just wanted to jog around his neighbourhood and take in how happy he was to be back but then he got to thinking about all the wonderful places he found as a child and he just had to see them again. He went back to a small cave that he found when he was twelve. At first he and Peter would go play there a lot but once they got a bit older it turned into Peter's favorite place to hook up with girls and John tried to avoid it at all cost scared of walking into something he didn't want to see. But now that Peter was out with Rose it was the perfect place for John to take a few minutes break and cool off. When he was fourteen, he found a small red wooden bridge that went over a small river where he and Peter would go to every time they wanted to smoke. Peter's parents would never let him and since no one ever went to the bridge it was the perfect place to smoke without getting caught. For old times sake he made sure to buy cigarettes before visiting the bridge again. There was a big tree that created an umbrella of leaves that he found when he was fifteen. It was a perfect place for him and Peter to do homework without any distractions but to John's dismay when he went to visit it again someone had cut it down.

After his long jog he decided to go to the library to rent out a few of the books that released while he was away before heading back home. He felt incredibly guilty about it, but he couldn't help himself from hoping that Rose and Peter's date didn't go well. The idea of seeing Peter and Rose together or even worst seeing them get married made him want to throw up. He knew he couldn't have her, but he wanted to at least save himself the pain of having to see her every day and not telling her that he likes her.

Once he reached the apartment, he sees Peter's small black car indicating that he has returned home. John simply sits on the stairs leading up to the entrance wanting to clear his head for a moment. What if she was in there? Peter had a history of bringing every single girl he meets home why would she be any different? But she is different isn't she? Peter actually likes her this time. Maybe he'll decide to take things slow with her? There's only one way to find out John thought as he started climbing up the stairs leading up to his apartment. The whole time he was repeating in his head; please don't be there, please don't be there. He finally reached the old brown wooden door of their apartment where he took a deep breath before he slowly opens the door that makes a loud creek.

He doesn't hear Rose's voice or any noise at all for that matter. If Peter would've brought her home, he would've heard it the second he opened the door, right? That must mean that the date didn't go well. As much as he tried to avoid it, a wave of happiness ran over him but he had to stop himself for a second and pull himself together. He couldn't walk in and act all happy when Peter tells him the date went bad. He has to act sad for him. So, after pulling himself together he slowly makes his way to the living room where he sees Peter with his suit jacket off, shirt unbuttoned and tie loosened sitting on his small brown armchair reading The Catcher in the Rye.

How did the date go?

It was wonderful John. She's even more perfect than I could've imagined. She was so nice and gentle and never complained about anything. When I told her about the tickets, I got for the broadway play her eyes lit up and she looked even more beautiful which I didn't think was possible. She spent the whole play watching it with such passion and intensity in her eyes and rambled about how good it was the whole drive to her house it was so cute. She's perfect man, I think I might love her.

Has she agreed to go on another date?

Yeah, she told me to go down to the diner next week, so we can find a date.

That's great man.

He did everything he could to look genuinely happy for his best friend because a small part of him was. Unfortunately, a bigger part of him was disappointed. Disappointed that the date went well but even more disappointed in himself for getting his hopes up. He didn't know why he ever thought that the date wouldn't have gone well. It's Peter we're talking about. He's every girl perfect man. He should've never gotten his hope up it just made it hurt that much more.

So, that night John went to bed feeling hurt and jealous by his friend's new found love. He tried to push it to the side and sleep but like the night before he couldn't stop thinking about her. From what Peter says she wasn't just beautiful on the outside but on the inside too. She really is the perfect woman. But, he snapped himself back to reality. She's Peter's girl, not his. He had to find a way to let her go. It wasn't fair to Peter to have his best friend crushing on his girl. But it's so hard to let her go when she's only been perfect. She has to have a bad side to her. Something to make John not think about her so fondly anymore. It's decided, he will be going to the diner tomorrow to talk to her. He will surely be able to find something about her to dislike. 

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