Chapter Nine

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 John made his way to the diner a bit sad. This would be the last day that he's going to go see Rose. He can't keep falling in love with her. Not only is this incredibly disrespectful to his best friend who has had his back for years and would never do something like that to him but it hurt John too much. He loved talking to her and watching her be the woman of his dream but when the day was over and he was back in his bed all he could feel is hurt knowing that he could never have her. That his love was simply one sided and someone like her could never love someone like him. She's supposed to end up with someone like Peter. Someone whose good looking, muscular, charming and strong. Someone who'll be able to provide for her financially and protect her from the world. John could never be that person. He was more skinny that muscled and he was shy and awkward. He didn't have much money and how is he suppose to protect her from the world when he's never seen it himself. She was too good for him, and he had to let her go before his love for her broke him.

He was going to see her one last time and enjoy every second of it before leaving her for good. Well at least until Peter starts bringing her home with him but John was determined to be over her by then. He had to be. He couldn't let Peter know that he ever saw Rose as more than just a pretty girl. It would hurt Peter too much and their friendship. Especially, now that John has spent weeks talking with her behind his back. He didn't have any bad intentions, but Peter wouldn't see it this way. He would feel betrayed and probably never forgive him. Nothing is worth losing his friendship with Peter, not even Rose.

John entered the diner and walked to his regular table. Right away he looked at Rose. He observed every little detail about her down to the placement of every single one of her freckles. If this was going to be the last time that he ever saw her, he needed to remember every single detail. She was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. Not because of her looks, even tho that is a plus, but because of the energy that surrounds her. When you look at her, she fills you up with positivity and happiness. She never looks anything but happy to be alive even when she's cleaning up peoples mess and has been working for hours on end with no breaks. The world could be ending with tornadoes surrounding us and she would still be smiling and lighting with positivity as the building crashed around us. It's going to be hard to have to let that positivity go. He didn't realize it at first but now that he's going to have to stop seeing her he realizes that he was depended on that positivity to get through the day. After just coming back from war which was filled with nothing but negativity and death he needed a bit of positivity in his life to get back on track and that was her but after today he won't have that source of positivity anymore and he's not quite sure how he'll be able to live.

The day has gone by like every other day at the diner. John drinking milkshake after milkshake while watching Rose go around serving people at the diner. But now it was finally the end of Rose's shift and she came to John's table to talk to him about some new book that she red. It was about this world where the government burned all books so they could have complete control over the population. By burning books, they were taking away the only way to find different opinions from the government. She rambled about it for at least an hour. Explaining every detail about how one man didn't want to blindly follow the government anymore and even stole a book so he could start reading. She talked about how there was an organisation where every single person had one book memorized word per word. This way, if the government were to discover every hiding spot and burn every single hidden book, as long as the humans lived on, the books would never truly be gone. Most days, John would cut in and say that he red the book too. They would then start talking about their favorite parts of the book and what they thought could've been written differently. They would talk about how the book could be a representation of the future and what aspects of it could become true and which would stay fictional but today he stayed silent. If this was the last time, he would see her he didn't want to spend it talking. He just wanted to listen to her and memorize how she pronounced every single word and the happiness in her eyes when she talked about something she liked.

So, that's what he did. He looked at the sparkle in her eyes and the way her mouth would move when she said every word. He would listen to her sweet voice that could barely be heard over the noise of the diner. He would listen to the excitement that could be slightly heard in her voice when she talked about her favorites parts of the book. He watched the small hand mouvements she would do to better show what she was saying. He would watch her hair fall in front of her eyes every once in a while. He would watch as she would throw her hair back again and regive perfect view of her drowning eyes. John didn't know what he was doing. He suddenly lost complete control over his body. He was getting too lost in her and before his mind could stop himself it simply came out.

Do you want to go on a date with me sometime?

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