Chapter Fourteen

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John was on his tenth picnic date with Rose and he's loved every moment of it. Every single one of their dates were the best moments of his life. But at the back of his mind he couldn't stop thinking about Peter. Why does she keep on avoiding Peter and saying that she's too busy every single time that he asks her on a date? Why was Rose going out with him when she clearly enjoyed her date with Peter? Did she simply enjoy spending time with John and didn't really want to be more than friends? But she kept on giving him flirtatious looks she wouldn't do that if she didn't want to be with him. What if she was playing him? Maybe she liked both of them? Obviously she liked Peter more, but she was simply stringing John along until she was ready to get serious with Peter. Nothing really made sense about the whole situation, and John was never that great at putting things together. That was something he always left to Peter.

John has tried to bring up Peter with Rose multiple times but he almost always chickens out. Truthfully he enjoyed the time with Rose so much that he didn't really care if she was playing him. He just wanted to enjoy every moment with her to the fullest until he has to let her go. Why should he leave her earlier than needed? He was able to summon enough courage to ask her about it once but it didn't really go as expected. Instead of giving an answer she just started talking about something else. He guessed he should be happy that she didn't get mad and stopped speaking to him but her ignoring it was almost worst. Why wouldn't she just say it? Was she hiding something? This has been going on for long enough tho and John needs to get to the bottom of this no matter if it hurts him. So he took one last long look at Rose trying to engrave everything in his mind incase this would be the last time he saw her.

I need to ask you something.

What is it?

What's going on with you and Peter?


No diverting the subject this time. I need to know the truth. Why do you keep seeing me when your date with Peter clearly went well? He seems to think that you might have a future together yet while he's trying to plan out dates that you keep rejecting your here with me. If you just see me as a friend just please tell me now so I can get over you before it gets too hard.

I see you as way more than a friend John.

Then what about Peter?

Look I went on one date with Peter it doesn't mean that I want to spend my life with him.

Then why won't you just tell him that?

I don't want to hurt his feelings. Our date was great. I had an amazing time. We went to my favorite restaurant and saw the play that I have been dying to see, and he's a great man.


But he's just not the guy I would see myself with for the rest of my life.

I don't understand he's the perfect man for a girl. Everyone wants him.

Yes, he has the looks and the charm and the money but we don't have much in common. I want to spend my days with a guy who likes the same things I do. I want to read books together and go out to watch plays. I want a man that I can actually have a conversation about it afterwards without it just being me passionately talking about what I loved and hated while he just looks at me. I want a guy who I can talk with for hours about books that I love. I want a man who understands me and doesn't just think I'm pretty. I want to spend my life with a man like you.

He couldn't believe what she was saying right now. She wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Not Peter the man who every single girl has wanted, but John, the man who has barely ever even interacted with girls. Not the man who has the looks and the charm but the shy man who hasn't been considered good looking a day in his life. Not the man who has the money to pay for everything she has ever wanted but the man who doesn't even have enough money to move out of his best friends apartment. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with John. In that moment he couldn't think about how this may hurt Peter or their friendship all he could think about was how much he was in love with the gorgeous girl in front of him. All he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss her.

So, he slowly leaned forwards and touched her cheek with his hand. And finally after what felt like eternity they kissed. The kiss felt like the most wonderful thing John has ever experienced. People say that when you kiss the person you love it feels like fire works but that wasn't true. It didn't feel like fireworks it felt way better than that. I felt like anything that has ever happened in John's life was completely erased from his memory. If you were to ask what his name was, he wouldn't even remember. All he could remember was how their lips were moving together right now. How every single time that their lips moved the entirety of his body was filled by warmth and butterflies. How even if the world were to end in a few hours he would be fine as long as he got to keep kissing her. Even if Peter were to never forgive him it would be ok if he got to kiss Rose every day for the rest of his life.

John, Peter and RoseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant