Chapter Five

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The next day John headed towards the diner. It didn't hit him until he was almost at the diner that he has no idea if she's even working. He hadn't thought about any of this. Instead of putting together a logical plan on when he would go and what he would do in order to not look suspicious he simply got out of bed, got dressed and headed towards the diner without thinking. He was now starting to regret not thinking this through. How was he supposed to find her flaws? Does he just look at her through out her shift hoping for her to make a mistake? How does he get her to have a conversation with him? He can't just go up to her and say ''I want to have a conversation, so I can find something I hate about you.'' Not only would she think he's insane, but he doesn't want anyone to know about his crush on her. What if she's not even there? What are the chances that she has a shift at the same time that John decided to go? John didn't turn around tho. He kept walking. He had already built himself the courage to go to the diner, and he wasn't going to let a bunch of questions make him abandon everything. If she wasn't there when he arrived he would just wait until her shift starts and if she doesn't have a shift today he'll just go back tomorrow. To most people that might seem like a waste of time but John had a goal. A goal that would not only benefit him but Rose, Peter and his friendship with Peter and if he had to go back to the diner every day for months in order to find something he hates about her that's what he will do.

He arrives to the two glass doors in front of the pink diner and suddenly the courage left his body. John wasn't someone spontaneous. He couldn't just do something without mentally preparing himself for what's to come and so he stood at the door for what felt like hours but was in reality only 3 minutes. All he could do was repeat his goal in his head ''I need to find something I hate about Rose'' and remind himself of why he was doing it ''this is for Peter and our friendship. I can't hurt him.'' He took one last deep breath before taking a quick peak in the glass door. To his surprise Rose was there serving coffee to an elderly couple. She was in her uniform which was a short pink dress and had the same huge smile on her face that she wore while serving John and Peter. The smile that seems to light up a room and make every one around her smile along with her.

Are you okay?

John turns around to see a woman in her late twenties with two young girls probably around the age of seven standing behind her. He guessed they were her daughters as they all looked the exact same. They all had dirty blond hair that reaches their shoulders and pale blue eyes. Most importantly the woman was wearing a very concerned look in her eyes. At first John was confused but then realized that most people don't stand in front of a door for a while. Knowing how weird he must look he quickly puts on his best smile.

I'm fine, thank you!

He finally opens the door moving to let the family in first before walking in behind them. Again his eyes are directly drawn to Rose who immediately smiled at the small family and went to escort them to a table and asked for what they wanted to drink. Her eyes completely lit up when she saw the kids and she immediately started making them laugh and bringing them things to draw with. She was clearly great with kids. Great, John found yet another positive thing about Rose when he's looking for a negative. The woman again looks over to him with a worried look and choosing not to cause anymore suspicion John immediately walk over towards his regular table. He doesn't want to start looking at Rose again right away knowing that the young mother was already suspicious and decided to stare out his window towards the ocean and enjoy the calmness brought by the waves slowly rolling in.

After a few minutes of enjoying the relaxation, he finally turns back around looking at Rose. He watches as she walks over to a table where two young, teenage boys, who remind him of Peter and him in high school, are seated. She has such gracefulness and confidence in her walk that she could be mistaken for royalty. He watches how the smile never leaves her face even when the boys ''accidentally'' make their fork fall on the ground so she has to bend down to pick it up. She then moves to the counter where she starts making two cookie dough milk shakes where she manages to not get one drop of the ingredients on herself not even her hands. She goes back to the same table delivering the drinks with her bright smile still not leaving their face even if it is clear that they do not respect her. He has to hold himself back from going over there and punching those kids when he sees them clearly checking her out as she starts walking away from the table.

She starts heading over to John's table and if he's not mistaken something in her eyes changes when she sees him. They seem to sparkle more. But he has to just be seeing things. He clearly has a crush on her and is trying to make up signs that she likes him back. She likes Peter. She's his girl. She could never like John.

What can I get you?

John looks up into her brown eyes that drawn him in and tries to find anything in her appearance for him to hate, any imperfection but he simply can't find any. This is going to be a long day. 

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