Twenty Seven (End)

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John and Rose were excited to start their new life. The thought of being able to start their life over completely without bringing any drama with them was thrilling. They could be who ever they wanted to be and most importantly they could do it all together. They had everything planned out. Rose would work until the end of the week in order to make a bit more money before leaving and they would leave right after her shift Friday night. They would find a church the second they get to London and just elope. Of course, they thought of waiting till they found an apartment and jobs so they could save up a bit of money and plan something a bit more special with a beautiful dress but who knows how long that could take? Not only could it take months to find jobs and gather enough money to plan something but they might become too busy and have to wait even longer to find time and truthfully they didn't want to wait that long. They wanted to be connected together in every way possible including marriage and this was the fastest way to do it.

Once they were married, they would both find small part-time jobs and Rose could go back to auditioning for roles. Rose was certain that she could find small roles. She had improved so much, and she was starting to feel confident in her abilities. John was thinking of maybe going to a few writing classes. When he was a kid, he always wanted to be a writer but he never thought that he had the talent to do it but they were starting over now and part of starting over is that you can choose who you want to be and John chooses to not be the scared boy anymore. Who cares if his books wouldn't be successful as long as he was chasing his dreams. And maybe once they reached their thirties, they could start having children. They both agreed on having two kids. None of them wanted a lot as they wanted to be able to give their kids their full love and affection and not have to separate it between five or more kids but they also didn't want to have a single child as it could be lonely for the kid and they could become spoiled so two was perfect. Their new life was going to be perfect they just knew it.

On the other hand Peter was not having as great of a time as John and Rose. He was still immensely hurt by his best friend's betrayal. He felt like he had done everything for John and John has done nothing but hurt him back in return. He distracted himself by drowning himself in work all the time letting criminals run free one by one but that did nothing to help him. Yes, on occasion he would get clients that truly were innocent, but most of them were guilty. Of course it was his job to get them proven innocent no matter if they did the crime or not and usually he didn't care but for some reason all he can think about now is all of the criminals who are walking free cause of him. All of the victims who didn't get their justice because of him. So, at night he would distract himself by girls. He would bring a new girl home every day hoping to find one that he loved as much as Rose but he couldn't and he hated himself for that. Rose had lied and manipulated him. She led him on while going out with his best friend and a small part of him hated her for it but the bigger part still loved her and wanted to spend his life with her. How could he still love someone that was so horrible to him?

One day Peter came home to a letter saying that he had to go back to war. Honestly, as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't mind. War was horrible, and his worst days were spent there. The worst things he ever saw were there. The worst things he ever heard was there and the worst pain he's ever felt was there but it was his duty as a citizen of the country and he was constantly told by his dad how important it was to fulfill it. John thinks that the reason he went to war the first time was so he could help John and yes that was mostly why but he also did it to help his country. Peter was about to just start packing when his mind wandered off to John. He knew John. He was a hopeless romantic and also hated war with everything in him. Peter knew he wouldn't leave Rose just to go fight in a war that he doesn't want to participate in. They would try to run away, but he wasn't going to let him do that. John was a citizen of this country, and he needed to do his part.

It was finally Friday and Rose stepped into the car smiling ear to ear. They were finally doing it. They were moving to London and starting their perfect little life together. John took one last look at the diner in front of him. The diner that was so important to him. He spent his childhood here drinking milkshakes with Peter and he met the love of his life here. It was the hardest thing to leave behind. He always imagines raising his children and bringing them to the diner once a week for milkshakes where they could talk about what they learned in school and everything good and bad that happened through out the week and now he wouldn't be able to do that but if it was the price he had to pay to have his family with Rose he would happily pay it. And so, they started driving out of the parking but they were stopped by a man standing in front of their car. Not just any man, Peter. John climbed out of the car. This would be his last chance to make this right with Peter before he never sees him again.


Stop, I'm not here to forgive you, John. I never will. But I can't let you run away.

I'm not running away.

Is that why your car is full of suitcases?

I can't go back to war. I just found the love of my life. We're gonna start a family together and I can't give that all up.

No one wants to go to war. Everyone has reasons to stay whether it's a girl, kids, a job but everyone goes because it's our duty and we're not just going to run away from it.

I'm so sorry for what I did to you, Peter. I know what I did was messed up. I'll hate myself till the day I die for not telling you, but it's over. It happened, and I can't do anything to fix it and I don't expect you to forgive me. All I'm asking is that you dig deep in your heart and find that small part that still sees me as a brother and let me go. Please.

You're not my brother anymore. You stopped being my brother the second you decided to lie to me. You failed as a best friend and as a brother don't fail as a citizen too. Just go to war. You can have your perfect little life with Rose once you come back.

You know that we could be there for years and there's no guaranty that I'll even come back. I hope that some day you'll find it in you to forgive me but I have to go.

John and Rose started heading back towards the car ready to start their new life but Peter couldn't live to watch that happen. John was ruining his life because of Rose. He ruined his life long friendship and now he was going to be a criminal. To make it worst Peter would never be able to have another chance with Rose if she was in another country or even another chance at forgiving John. Without thinking Peter took out his gun and shot.

A/n :

I hope you enjoyed the book. My sister first wrote it as a short story for a school project. She let me rewrite it as a short story and I later on decided to write it as a Wattpad book. Feel free to give me any constructive criticism. Would you like me to add a chapter with the actors I imagined as certain characters? 

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