Chapter Nineteen

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John went home that night with a big smile on his face. This was no doubt the best day of his life. Yes, there was the set back during the fire works but it wasn't enough to bring down the fun they had through out the evening. Honestly, they could've witnessed a murder, and it still wouldn't have brought down his happiness. That's just the kind've effect Rose has on him. No matter what happens through out the day the happiness that seeing her brings always overshadows the rest. Right now he's not thinking about his anxiety attack, thats the furthest thing in his mind at the moment. All he can think about is her. Small flashes of going on all of the festival rides clouds his mind along with flashes of them playing the games or eating the food together. Rose's smile fills up his mind which in turn makes him smile too. There's nothing that makes him prouder than knowing that he's making her happy. That's all he every wants in life. He'll do anything for the smile to never leave her even if it means going through another 100 anxiety attacks. It'll all be worth it to see his Rose have that look of happiness, pureness and innocence. She's worth everything.

Little does John know that not everyone had an evening as happy as him. A few days ago Peter had passed by the diner hoping to talk to Rose. She had always been too busy to go on another date with him, but he was hopeful that they could spend the 4th of July together. It's a holiday, who works on a holiday? He had the whole evening planned. He would cook a romantic candlelight dinner, at his apartment, where they could get to know each other more before they would leave to go to the festival where they could go dance for a while and leave to go to this small beach, not that far away. They could go for a midnight swim, and they would have a great view of the fireworks without having to be surrounded by hundreds of people. Then hopefully she would let him take her home with him. But of course, after waiting thirty minutes to finally have the chance to talk to her, she said that she couldn't because she had to work. Peter couldn't believe it at this point. He doesn't know anyone who goes eat at the diner on the 4th of July. They were always either partying or spending time with their families. Even if she is telling the truth how is it possible for a girl to be so busy? She always has an excuse whether it be work, auditions, classes, does she ever take a break? Either she's lying to him, or she's an incredibly hard worker who needs to learn to take a break every once in a while before she burns out. He's hoping that it's the latter, but he had to be sure.

So on the evening of the 4th of July, he decided to find out the truth. It's not like he had anything else to do anyways. He already told his parents he wasn't coming to dinner like other years because he thought he was going to be out with Rose and John is out on a date with Isabelle. So, he headed towards the diner in order to end this confusion. He was hoping that she was telling the truth, and he could order a milkshake and say that he was hoping to at least be able to talk to her a bit today but he was prepared for the worst.

He arrived to the diner and the truth that he was dreading came true. The diner was close. Why would she be working at a closed diner? He didn't want to give up hope just yet. He liked her too much for that. Maybe they just needed someone to do a deep clean of the diner while no customer was there? So he took out the bobby pin he always keeps in his pants pockets and unlocked the door. He entered the diner calling her name a few times hoping for her to respond but of course the diner was completely silent. He couldn't deny it anymore she's been lying to him. It didn't make sense tho. No girl has ever not wanted him. He never had to chase after any girl they were usually the one chasing after him. I mean he was everything a girl could want handsome, charming, wealthy. How could Rose not see that he was perfect for her? Even with the off chance that she didn't like him back, which to Peter seemed almost impossible, why didn't she just tell him that? If she were to have told him that she didn't like him he would've simply backed off. Or even better she could've told him why she didn't like him so he could've changed that. He honestly can't see what it could be tho he was the perfect gentlemen on their date. Most girls would've wanted to marry him by the end of the evening. The only other explanation is that she already had another man. But again why would she lie to him about that? Why would she feel the need to keep that a secret from him? And why would she even accept to go on a date with him if she was already in love with another man? There were so many questions in Peter's head. None of this made sense.

Those questions were covered up by something else tho, anger. How could she do this to him? She wasted so much of his time. He's spent hours if not days planning out the most perfect dates for her. He has spent hours going to the diner and waiting for her to be available, so he could ask her out just for her to reject him. She wasted so much of his money. The first date they went on was the most expensive one he's ever had. He never brings his dates to go see broadway and usually just pays for dinner and brings them home. He's continued to waste money since then by buying small gifts for her like chocolate and flowers when he would go to see her at the diner. How could she ever do that to him? He thought she was nicer than that. He needed to know why she would do this, and he was going to find out no matter what he had to do. 

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