Chapter Twenty

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John walked into the living room to see Peter sitting on the couch looking angry. John was a bit confused. He thought Peter had just gone back to his parents house like every other year. He didn't understand why he could be mad. He loved spending time with his parents. You would think that for a guy whose super athletic, rich and independent he wouldn't really be close with his parents but it's the opposite. He's incredibly close to his parents especially his mom. His mom used to always dress up in the school colours and make encouraging signs with his name on it every time that he had a game. She would always yell his name and encourage him throughout the whole game. Most the time her voice was louder than every one else in the audience combined. Most guys would be embarrassed by this but, he never was. He would always be more than happy to have his mom at his game and would never tell her to calm down because he never saw it as embarrassing. Every time that the other guys would make fun of her he would always defend her. When it came to his mom, he was never afraid to say that he loved her even with people around. He even beat up a guy once, towards the end of eleventh grade, for calling her ugly. The guy ended up with a few bruised rib and a broken nose. Ever since then no one ever had the courage to talk bad about her.

Hey, what's going on?

I went to the diner last week to ask Rose to go on a date with me today but of course she was too busy. According to her she had to work.

She's probably just struggling with money and working every time that she can I wouldn't look too much into it.

But that's the thing John. I went to the diner today. It was closed.

John was starting to panic a bit. What if he knows that Rose and John were together. Maybe that's why he was so angry. He was betrayed by his friend of course he would be angry. But that can't be possible there's no way for Peter to have known that they were together unless if he saw them at the festival which was very unlikely with the number of people there. But even if he doesn't know about them, he knows that Rose has been lying to him. He's going to want to search for answers eventually. It's only a matter of time before he figures it out. Even if he doesn't figure it out himself he's going to question Rose and she'll only be able to hold it in for so long. She'll eventually have to tell the truth. Even if Rose was able to keep their secret for a while, longer Peter doesn't give up. He would continue to talk to Rose until she breaks and tells him everything.

Maybe she was just deep cleaning the diner since there weren't any customers.

That's what I thought too, so I went inside the diner.

You broke into the diner?

That's not the point. She wasn't there.

Maybe you just didn't see her.

I called her name over and over again with no answer. She wasn't there John. She's been lying to me this whole time.

John was some what relieved that Peter wasn't giving any hints that he knew about him and Rose. This will at least give them a bit more time of peacefulness and happiness before he finds out and their honeymoon period is over. Instead, their relationship will be overshadowed by Peter's disappointment, anger and sadness. Their relationship as they know it will be over.

Just take a deep breath. Maybe she was at her parents house. I mean she probably doesn't see them much with them living in the country and all.

Wait how do you know that?

John was mortified. Why did he say that? He's supposed to only know Rose as the waitress from Lilies. How would he know where her parents live? How could he be so stupid, careless, reckless, and the list could go on with every bad trait in the dictionary.

I...... um she told me that once when I was at the diner. I was reading a book where the main character lives in the country and she told me that she loved that book because she lived in the country too as a child.

He looked at him suspiciously but seems to have let it go being too focus on his anger. Thank god.

Why would she lie to me about going to see her parents?

She probably has a reason.

She's been lying to me this whole time John. She's just been throwing out any excuse in order not to see me instead of just telling me the truth and I'm going to find out why.

Peter then stormed off to his room angrier then John had ever seen him.

This wasn't good. As long as Peter thought that Rose was still into him and was simply too busy to go on a date it was still a game. It was easy to keep it a secret. How could Peter ever find out the truth when he thought that Rose was still with him? But now the game is over. Peter is suspicious, and he'll start searching for answers. Peter is a lawyer if he wants to know something he's going to know it even if it takes months. He has a gift of getting secrets out of people. Before he was too caught up with planning dates for Rose to notice that John was always leaving and giving very few details about his dates and who the girl was. That distraction is now gone, and he'll start questioning things wanting more details and eventually John's going to break and tell him everything and when that moment comes everything will have changed. 

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