Chapter Eleven

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It was finally the day of Rose and John's date and John was a bit nervous. What if he makes a complete fool of himself? Or even worst, what if he falls too deep? What if after this date he really can't let her go? How mad will Peter be? Will he kick him out of the house? John doesn't have enough money to get his own. He'll be homeless if that happens. Will he stop speaking to him completely? Peter has been his best friend for as long as he can remember the thought of loosing him hurts him more than anything. He wouldn't be able to live without Peter by his side. They were brothers. They were even closer than brothers. They were like one person. They needed each other to survive. Peter was the athletic and book smart while John was the caring and creative one. They completed each other. One without the other would just leave the two of them incomplete. It would be as if a part of them is missing.

John was standing right in front of the diner waiting to pick up Rose from the end of her shift. He still has time to back out now right? He could simply turn away, go back home and never come back to the diner. Of course she'll be disappointed that he didn't show up but it's not like she truly likes him anyways. She'll get over it quickly and eventually even be happy that she didn't go on a date that could've messed up her relationship with Peter. Of course, theres the issue of them seeing each other again once Peter starts bringing her over. She'll surely get mad at him and tell Peter what happened which would ruin their friendship but she'll probably get over him by then and he could maybe convince her to keep it a secret. To be fair he's not the only one in the wrong. She also accepted to go on a date with another guy. John was just about to turn around, but it was too late. Rose caught sight of him through the window. Maybe she didn't know it was him? The windows were kind of dirty. His face was not clear and could be mistaken for someone else. But John couldn't lie to himself she saw him even smiled at him. So, he stayed waiting for her to end her shift.

Rose left the diner after getting changed into a white dress filled with blue pock o dotes. The top of the dress was tight but it became loose right at the middle of her stomach and ended right above her knees. The sleeves were cut right after her elbows. She was also wearing blue high heels to match with the pock o dates. John knows he's thought of this a million times before but he can't help it. She's just so perfect with her hair styled to be set over one shoulder and the excitement and curiosity running through her eyes wanting to know where he would be taking her. Of course, her smile was still there to light up the room and her soft skin looked just as perfect as ever. They both smiled at each other, and John gave her the flowers he was holding which were, of course, roses. Rose whispered a thank you and followed John to his car, well Peter's car, where John opened the door for her and then got in to the drivers seat.

Where are we going?

You'll see.

Why can't you tell me?

It's a secret.

Please tell me.

Rose looked at John with adorable puppy eyes and a small pout which made John almost melt at the sight. She was prettiest woman he's ever seen. He almost broke and told her, but he was determined to keep it a surprise.

Don't worry you'll love it.

Rose finally gave up and sat back in her seat for the rest of the ride where they listened to music and sang along to every line. He was surprised by just how good Rose was. She was good enough to be a professional singer. She would hit every single high note with ease and never let her voice crack even as she was screaming the lyrics like crazy. John, on the other hand, sounded horrible compared to her. He's never been a good singer and he was sure his voice could make people voluntarily want to be deaf.

After a 30 minutes drive John and Rose finally arrived at their destination. Rose had gotten curious after the first 20 minutes of the drive. They were driving into a part of the city which Rose has never visited and hasn't even heard about. They even drove into a small path that led into a forest. Rose even got scared for a second. There are way too many bad stories that start with driving into the woods alone. But as they got out of the car at their destination Rose couldn't help but stare in awe. There was a small isolated lake that she has never seen before. In front of the lake John had set up a cute picnic. There was a picnic blanket set up with two champagne glasses with the bottle in the middle. This was accompanied by two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on each side of the blankets and chocolate covered strawberries in the middle of the blanket beside the champagne. John had decorated the area with a bunch of Rose petals and a few candles were set up around the blanket.

This is beautiful John. How come I've never seen this place before?

I don't think many people know about it. I used to come here all the time when I was little to escape my parents. I've never seen anyone else come here. It was my place to think about everything and be in peace. I didn't want to share it with anyone, so I kept it a secret.

Well, I'm really glad you shared it with me. 

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