Six- Cosmogyral/One

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I woke up to the feeling of something heavy on top of me. Keeping my eyes closed, I remembered everything from the last day. From murphy being hung to charlotte killing wells, to being beaten almost killed. And then to charlotte jumping. After that, I had no recollection of anything. I shot my eyes open, instantly wanting to find Murphy. I hadn't seen him since she jumped and I needed to talk to him. But, instead, I saw the red glow of the tent above me, the sun shining through as I slept on my back. Someone had placed a jacket on my shoulders, Bellamy's, I realized. I slipped it on, having lost my jacket the many times I was thrown around the night before. Groaning as I sat up, I could feel the black eye I had, accompanying the many gashes and wounds surrounding my body. A tight wrap was around my bruised torso, leaving me in only a sports bra. I stood up, limping from my most likely sprained ankle. Zipping up the jacket that was Bellamy's, I flipped the tent open, seeing the whole camp in motion.

Boys and girls were building the wall, tending to the tents or other food and water bins. Then a familiar mop of brown curly hair caught my attention. Bellamy. I strolled over as fast as I could, of course, with a limp. Tapping his shoulder, he spun around, meeting my eyes. His smile quickly dropped seeing me. "What's wrong?" He stuttered a few words before I interrupted him. "You know what. I'll talk to you later. I'm going to fond Murphy." I started to walk away when he shouted, "He's not here." My brows furrowed in confusion as my heart began to thump in my chest. I turned around slowly. "What the hell are you talking about, Bellamy?" 

I could see guilt fill his eyes as he walked a little closer to me. "Murphy, he's gone." Tears started to fill my eyes as I saw Octavia making her way over to us. "Is he?" I insinuated as Bellamy shook his head, now looking at the ground. "Dirt isn't that interesting." Octavia was now standing beside me as I pried Bellamy for the whereabouts of Murphy. "Now tell me where the hell he is!!" I shouted, seeing a small crowd form around us. "Natalia, maybe we should-"

"NO! Where the hell is John?!" I cut him off as he tried to pull me to a more discreet place. Bellamy eyed the group of delinquents as they listened in. "We banished him." He whispered as I could hardly hear what he had said. "You what?" I repeated, asking. He lifted his head, realizing I was now wearing his jacket. "We banished him." He breathed out sternly as my heart plummeted. Murphy was out on his own, fending for himself against savage people who had been nothing but relentless toward us. I stepped closer, scowling at him, when I saw his guard slowly fall. "What the...fuck did you do?" I calmly asked. I could hear Octavia breathe out profoundly, knowing that there was always the calm before the storm when I was mad. 

"We uhm," He cleared his throat, "We banished him after Charlotte jumped-" And like that, my hard knuckles collided with his cheekbone as I pulled back, swinging my fist into his nose once again. "Nat!!" Octavia screamed as I straddled his waist, dealing punch after punch until blood covered his face. He wasn't fighting back, which made me even angrier. 







I kept swinging until I felt hands wrap around my waist, lifting me off of him. "Let me go!!" I shouted as the arms lifted me into the air. "Natalia! Calm down!" I heard miller yell as I stopped fighting. He let me down a few feet away as I breathed heavily, scowling at Bellamy. Miller shifted my shoulders to look at him. "Calm the fuck down, alright?" He exclaimed as I nodded. I could see Bellamy start to groan as he sat up. Walking over, slapping Miller's grasp off me, I stood over Bellamy, looking down at him. "Nat."

Octavia quietly muttered beside me. I unzipped his jacket, leaving me in only my black bikini strapped sports bra. Ripping it off my shoulders, I threw it onto his stomach, turning back to my tent. Whistles sounded out behind me as I was only in jeans and a very revealing bra. Octavia covered my body with her arms as she led me back into my tent. I stared at Octavia as I could see the sorrowful look in her eye. And then I broke down, falling onto my makeshift bed as she caught me, holding my head in her arms as I sobbed into her neck. "He was all I had, O." I cried, her hand rubbing my back in reassurance. "I know Nat, I know." I latched onto her arms as tears stained my cheeks. I'm sure the whole camp could hear me, but I didn't care. The first man I ever loved was most likely dead, and I hadn't even come to accept Bellamy was the one who caused it.

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