II- eighteen

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Bellamy paced in the makeshift jail, watching Natalia groan in pain on the ground. Finally, Kane walked in, grasping both delinquent's attention. "How long are you going to keep us locked up here?" Bellamy asked, "Can't you tell she's in pain?!"

"I'm fine, Bell- Bellamy." Natalia squeaked out, almost using the nickname she had once called him by.

"Till I'm confident you two are not a threat to others, to answer your question, Mr. Blake." Bellamy scoffed, watching as Marcus dragged a chair to the middle of the room, sitting down.

"Let's continue..You said there were hundreds of grounders attacking..." He paused, unzipping his jacket. "Two? Three hundred?"

"We didn't count." Bellamy snapped, helping Natalia up from the ground. She yelped as another pain shot through her hip. "Can you please have Abby come and look at her?" Bellamy pleaded, holding her waist so she wouldn't fall.

"Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?" Kane ignored Bellamy, prying more.

"We were here. That was enough for them." He took a deep breath, sitting Nat down on a spare chair. "We're wasting time. The other's didn't just vanish into thin air."

"Sure damn seems like it." Natalia whispered, "You're not helping." The brunette beside her mumbled back. Bellamy turned back to Kane, "They were taken, and we need to go after them."

"A search team is prepping to leave," Marcus informed the two, a slight smirk plastered on his lips, knowing he wouldn't let the two voluntarily go. "But we needed enough intel from you two."

"Does it look like we know anything?!" The petite redhead snapped, standing up. Bellamy attempted to help her, resulting in her swatting his hand away. "We have been fending for ourselves with no help from your sorry asses!!" She shouted, walking closer to Kane. After waking up, she noticed they had taken all her weapons. Dagger's and bow included.

"Does it look like we wanted to be attacked by an army of people that you idiots didn't even know were there?!" Marcus stiffened, looking up to the fearless girl above him. "You had satellites. You had visual technology. You had a motherfucking camera you could've sent down." She breathed out a laugh, letting go of the dull pain in her side.

"But no. You sent us down here to die, not giving a fuck whether we lived or not." Nat saw one of the guards nod in acceptance, quickly turning his expression blank when he saw her glance in his direction.

"We need to be on that team, please." Bellamy pleaded, sitting beside Kane.

"It's out of the question. Neither one of you is trained."

"Oh really? And you are?" Nat turned around. "We've been through these forests for a lot longer than you have. I know my way around. You'll die out there trying to find them."

"It's too dangerous." Kane shook his head.

"Those are our people out there."

"They're my people too." Kane leaned in, "You wanna help them? Tell me what we're up against. Grounder tactics, their numbers. What kind of weapons they use-"

"Not every clan has armies. Most of the grounder villages are women, children." Nat spoke up, remembering her time with Ivar. "Only the warriors speak English. They don't hurt people unless they feel a need to. To protect." Natalia explained, looking to Bellamy.

"They use arrows. Axes, swords. Their teeth."

"No guns?" Marcus asked, Bellamy, shook his head.

"You had guns?"

"The guns we found at the aid depot leveled the playing field," Bellamy looked to Nat, remembering that night. "Maybe if we had more bullets, we could've-"

"There were more bullets." Marcus interrupted. "Search team just returned from the depot with two more barrels of rifles. Third of them filled with bullets."

Natalia saw the disappointed look on Bellamy's face, "Well, it's hard for two teenagers to carry four barrels of rifles back by themselves."

"We should've looked harder," Bellamy mumbled to himself, Nat hearing him. She was about to reassure him when a hissing sound filled the room, two guards bringing in a detained Murphy.

Bellamy stood, placing himself in front of Natalia, shielding her. "What is he doing here?" They could see the fear in Murphy's eyes as he attempted to back up, only being pulled in further.

"Excuse me, sir," The woman guard spoke, "Dr. Griffin cleared Mr. Murphy from medical." Kane stood, walking over to the beaten boy.

Bellamy turned around, not caring enough to listen. "Are you okay?" He asked Natalia, rubbing his thumb over her forearm, holding it in his hand. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." She laughed, "Been through worse."

Bellamy smiled, knowing how strong she was. And how weak he had been for doing what he did. "Listen, Nat...Can we talk about Rav-"

"No." She cut him off, pulling her arm from his. I just, I can't."

Bellamy nodded, taking a deep breath. He knew he had messed up. Natalia was supposedly dead, which was not an excuse. But he was weak, and he had a moment of weakness. Nat could see the despaired look on his face as she grasped his shirt, feeling his hard abs from under the grey tee. "I mean. Just not right now, okay?" She motioned to the conversation between Kane and Murphy. Bellamy nodded, placing his hand over hers.

"Put him over there." Marcus pointed to a corner, "Major Byrne."

"Wait, like Irina Byrne?" Natalia spoke up, stepping out from behind Bellamy. She could see the hesitation in the woman's eyes as two guards backed Nat and Bellamy into the opposite corner.

Two guards shoved them to the ground as one placed the cuffs around Bellamy. Natalia struggled, attempting to keep her leg straight. "I said get down!" The guard shouted, pushing her onto her butt. "Ow! Get the hell off of me!" She retaliated, punching him right in the crotch, causing him to fall to his side in pain, clutching his area where the sun doesn't shine. 

"Hey!" The other guard shouted, pulling his baton from his belt. "No! Get your hands off of her!!" Bellamy boomed, pulling Nat into his embrace as she cowered. Marcus laid a hand on the guard's arm, lowering the weapon. "This is punishment enough. Cuff her without restraining her." He turned to another guard, "Have Abby griffin come in when we're done." The guard nodded, walking to fetch the doctor.

"Well, this should be fun." Murphy snarked.

Suddenly gunshots rang outside the walls, Kane and the guards running to see what the commotion was. Natalia pushed herself up, the binds of the silicone cuffs digging roughly at her skin. Leaning against the wall, she rested her head on Bellamy's shoulder. He looked down, seeing the exhaustion sweep over her like a storm.

Bellamy leaned down, whispering in her ear, not caring if Murphy was present, "Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up...Promise." Nat groaned in response, shuffling closer into Bellamy's embrace. He wrapped his arm around her as best he could, her head laying right on his stomach.

"Oh, how cute," Murphy commented.

"Shut up, Murphy." The pair said in unison, Natalia mumbling as she fell into a deep sleep.

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