Baby Brother's Friends

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*Devin's pov*

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the warmth of people close to me. I opened my eyes more and saw Michael laying on my legs while Eden had my body snuggled next to his while I was on his lap. Not the most comfortable position but you know these are my brothers do brothers always give the most comfortable positions.

I smiled before seeing Ritchie. He was reading on the couch on the other side of the coffee table.

"You woke up." He said looking at me.

"Ya." I said hugging Eden's arm.

"So you finally got to be with your brothers huh. Can't imagine how you didn't lose yourself not having them." Ritchie said.

"I geuss I'm lucky." I said smiling.

"So I heard it briefly but you got reunited with them and your dad was arrested." Ritchie said and everything came back to me. I hugged Eden's arm more until he gently raised his hand a drew circles on my neck. I relaxed as I felt a bit of relief.

"He's gone...I hope auntie is ok..." I said looking down.

"I'm sure she will be fine. Mom was with her." Eden said speaking up as Michael shuffled.

"Hey Ritchie. Thanks for keeping voices down when Brandon came over." Eden said

"Devin needed rest. Besides 14 years is a long time to be away from a good family." Ritchie said

"It wasn't by choice unfortunately. Our dad was a shit bag." Michael said

"I have some issues with my dad but not as bad as your issue with your dad." Ritchie said getting up.

"Lucas and the other heard about everything and they where worried about you. You should see them soon. Ya know let them know you ok." Ritchie said leaving.

"Oh? Baby brother has friends?" Michael said

"Yes I have friends and don't call me that." I said and Eden started laughing so much.

"Ha! See that how I felt when you said that." Eden said and I looked at Michael's pouty face.

I chuckled getting up. I held one of Michael's hand out of comfort and I lead them to Kits dorm first. I knocked on the door and Lara answered when I asked her where Kit was she said she went to David's dorm. I thanked her and I walked with my brothers down to David's dorm.

I knocked on the door and Mario answered and when he saw me he looked shocked and then looked at Michael and Eden and squinted at them before being grabbed from behind by a very very exciting to see me David.

"Devin! You ok!" He yelled as Mario yelped and Kit came running out and hugged me as Lucas came over.

"Oh my god I'm so happy you finally aren't living with that old man!" Kit said

"Ya literally it's all over the news now." Lucas said and I walked in with my brothers.

"So which is which?" David said dropping Mario on the couch after Mario stopped struggling in David's arms.

"I'm Michael."

"I'm Eden."

I smiled and I walked to the other side of Michael and they all nodded.

"You can definitely see the resemblance." Lucas said

"Awe look at that! I need a picture!" Kit said pulling out her phone and I smiled as she took a picture.

"Hey! Eden why?" Kit said and I walked over and saw Eden pulling a middle finger.

"Because I'm rotten." He said and I lightly punch him.

"Bad." I said

"Awe is my baby brother upset?" He asked

"Just because I was born second right after Michael doesn't mean I'm a baby!" I said trying to defend myself.

"Devin. You'll always be my baby brother even when your old or married in the dark future." Eden said and I turned my back on him huffing.

"I like this. I like seeing this a lot." Lucas said

"How so?" Michael asked

"Well a couple years back when I first became Devin's friend whenever you two where ever mentioned it would start tearing up and he said that you guys probably lived in some far country or he didn't want to think of worst case." Lucas said and I blushed as Eden and Michael looked at me

"Oh little bro." Michael said hugging me.

"Adorable but we should celebrate!" David said coming out with some beer.

"Why beer?" Lucas asked

"Because it's cheep." David said and I laughed.

"What is there to celebrate?" I asked and they all looked at me.

"To celebrate your dad arrestation and your reunion with your brothers." Mario said grabbing a bowl of hummus and chips.

"Oh-....ok" I said unsure until Eden made a disco ball in the room with lights on it.

"Wow that's cool! Nice one Devin." David said

"Actually that was me. Me and Devin have the same magic." Eden said

"Oh- well thanks for he disco ball. Let's enjoy the night!" David yelled pressing play on a playlist and Kit shook her head before grabbing a bottle and handed on to me, Eden and Michael.

"Just enjoy yourself tonight Devin. You need to smile more and not worry about that man." Kit said and I thought about it before smiling and nodding.

"Ya thanks Kit." I said

"You have good friends Devin. Make sure to keep them close." Eden said

"I will. I promise."

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