Comfort and Relationships

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*David's pov*

I sat on the couch reading a book before something came and hit me in the back of the head.

"Seriously? That was unnecessary." I said to Mario and he stared at me before going into the kitchen.

I chuckled as I watched him, carefully, walk to the kitchen. I went back to my book before my phone rang and I picked it up to get yelled at through it.

"Ok ok ok first calm your tits raindrop second you nearly blasted my ears off." I said

"I don't think you get the urgency turn on the tv right now." Lucas said and I sighed as I stood up and grabbed the remote and turned on the tv.

"Ok the TV's on." I said

"Go to the news quickly." Lucas said and I did so.

My heart dropped as my phone slipped from my hand and hit the carpet. Anger grew in my gut and I quickly bent down and picked up my phone.

"Why the fucking hell is he out." I said

"I'm not happy about it either and Kits literally crying, and she was hanging out with friends." Lucas said

"...and Devin?" I asked

"Ritchie's with him." Lucas said and I nodded.

"Alright. Give me about an hour and I'm going to go see Devin." I said

"Alright. I'm pretty sure Kits not going to join us." Lucas said

"That's fine." I said

"Alright bye David." Lucas said and I said bye before hanging up. I took a deep breath and set down my phone before grabbing the wood candy bowl and threw it harshly and it cracked and broke on contact with the now very much dented wall.

"That's Devin's dad right." Mario said and I looked at him and nodded.

"Ya. Man's a fucking shit. Shouldn't exist in my opinion." I said and Mario looked down and I went over and picked him up.

He yelped in surprise as I sat down with him on my lap. My hands resting on his waist as he stared at me blushing. I smiled at him before letting my head rest on his chest.

I didn't feel any movement but then his arms wrapped around me.

"You know you have a strange way of saying I love you." Mario said and huffed.

"Ya. Your one to speak you oblivious fuck." I said

"What if I knew you were flirting with me." Mario said and I snorted.

"Damn, you sure have a way of knowing if someone has feelings or not." I said and I felt a kiss be planted on the back of my head.

"Ya... Sorry. I couldn't fully say that I loved you until I fully understood my feelings." Mario said and I sighed looking up at him.

"Hmm. Then you won't mind if I just." I started before trailing off and brought his head closer to mine and I made both our lips come in contact.

The kiss started out light but then it got deeper. We only broke for air and I smiled as I gently bit Mario's lip asking for entrance which he gave me so I slipped my tongue in explored the inside of his mouth.

He was wearing pomegranate chapstick which I don't mind because it just made this even more pleasurable. We broke and I could see a saliva string from our mouths and I smirked as Mario who was blushing a whole lot.

"Pomegranate chapstick am I wrong?" I said

"Maybe you should put on watermelon chapstick next time." Mario said meeting my eyes.

"Watermelon your favorite?" I asked with a raised eye brow and Mario stayed silent so I smiled.

"Alright. Maybe next time we could have" I asked and Mario shoved his hand into my face.

"Ok ok ok I get it." I said with a chuckle and Mario removed his hand and I smiled hugging him again.

"Big baby." Mario said

"I am not a baby. I just understand what it's like to have a shit father." I said and Mario played with my hair.

"One hour then we go to Devin's and Ritchie's dorm." Mario said

I nodded and I relaxed as Mario messed with my hair. It's was actually quite... Relaxing.

*Ritchie's pov*

I haven't moved from my stop since I got here and Devin's asleep. He's so cute and peaceful it pains me to know that when he wakes up he's going to panic.

I heard the door open and I saw Lucas, Brandon, Mario, David, Eden, and Michael all walk in. Eden and Michael fast walked over to me and both looked at me before Michael pointed out that Devin as asleep and Eden sighed.

"Wake him and I will suffocate you." Eden said and I wanted to talk back but that would wake up Devin and that's the last thing I want.

"How is he?" Lucas asked

"He'll be fine. Had a panic attack like you said he might have but I was able to calm him down. Gave moved since he fell asleep." I said and David nodded.

"Boy this place is a mess." Eden said and with a snap of his finger everything was back to normal. The tv  however was gone but I think that's for the better right now.

"I'm going to see what you guys have so I can make something for when Devin wakes up." Mario said Michael followed him.

"I hope you realize how adorable you two look." Brandon said

"Ya and I'm also pretty sure that you set me up for a death sentence." I said as I could feel Eden glaring at me.

"Good luck." Brandon said and I nodded and Devin moved snuggling into me further so I just wrapped my arms around him a bit more.

"We will have a talk about that comment later I hope you realize that." Michael said from the kitchen and sighed.

Oh boy here we go.

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