Chapter Ten: Family

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Calico got sick, whether it was from being wet a lot from the rain from the sprinklers and walking around in the clothes afterwards, or from the sudden plummet in temperature, it was anyone's guess.

But what that also meant, was that he was bedridden because of his mother babying him for a slight cold.

Which unfortunately meant that Kade had nothing to do as he wasn't needed given Mr. Choi's household was one of the safest places Calico could be, and thus didn't need a bodyguard.

On top of that, it meant that Kade had nothing to do in regards to the gang life at the moment, because his only assignment, was to keep Calico safe. He wouldn't have minded so much if he hadn't had to stop his old job as a waiter to keep track of Calico twenty/four/ seven.

So when his phone buzzed with a text from Calico, who was also bored out of his mind, asking him to come over, suggesting they go over the lessons real quick for tutoring, Kade practically jumped off of his mattress that he had pushed into Cyril's spare bedroom.

He was already dressed, just in a simple thick but form fitting tank top with a rolled collar (to partially hide the bruising still left on his neck), fingerless gloves that went all the way over his biceps, and a pair of slim cut ripped black jeans, which the tank top was tucked into, topped with a belt and chains and his normal shoes.

Kade threw on a hoodie over everything else, given the temperature did drop down to sixty degrees Fahrenheit and Kade had always got cold really quickly regardless of the temperature.

At the last minute, off of a whim, Kade grabbed his dad's old guitar and slung it over his shoulder in it's case.
It was lucky that the Choi Estate was hardly a five minute walk from Cyril's house.

Kade felt awkward stepping up to the golden gate surrounding the mansion, large enough to be called a hotel building, rising up hundreds of stories high, in his rugged looking style.
He would've looked more appropriate approaching this house dressed in a suit and tie with a briefcase, much like the two buff men who stood on either side of the gate wearing sunglasses to cover their eyes.

Neither man moved a muscle as a small tablet built into the fence flickered on, showing Calico's face.
Immediately a dashing smile bloomed over Calico's face upon seeing Kade standing there.

"Ah yes my boredom is cured!" Calico cheered and there was a low humming noise as the fence unlocked and swung open, letting Kade walk through before closing again behind him.

As much as there was to take in between the spiral bushes and white stone pebble gardens and numerous painted lanterns strung up overhead on a pergola covered in greenery and poinsettia blossoms, as much as that was, Kade couldn't help but try to find a way he could escape if he lived here and happened to want to try and sneak out.

But this place was built like a fortress between the eleven foot tall, at least, fence, and the cameras Kade kept spying in the shrubbery. As well as the guards stationed oh so nicely spread apart as to not have a leak in security that someone could slop through.
There was no going in or out of this place if Mr. Choi didn't want them too.

The doors themselves were a set of huge Oak doors with metal handles.
When Kade approached, someone already standing next to the door tipped their hat, and opened the set of doors for him, letting Kade walk in on his own before closing the doors behind him.

With a loud clang, Kade flinched for multiple reasons.
The first being how loud the door was when it clicked shut, and another reason being because a sandal flew by his head, hitting the wall behind him.

There was some woman standing on the staircase that was off to the side of the large entryway, shouting rapidly in a different language that Kade didn't know. It hardly took Kade a couple seconds to recognize her as Mama Choi from the Café. He had realized they were related before, but never did he expect Mama Choi and Mr. Choi, the guy he worked for, to actually be married.
The two were like polar opposites, Mama Choi being warm and welcoming and always willing to listen- whereas Mr. Choi always put the mission before all else regardless of the cost or pains given.

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