Chapter Seven: The Legend of the Wendigo

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Don't play with things that could kill you.

There ran a rumor that if you stood too tall, or opposed certain people in the undercity that ran amuck during the night, something in the shadows would be sent to strike you down in an instant.

This being the truth, there was hardly anyone opposing Choi industries or the gang world after too long.

Some people called these the Golden Years of Choi industries, others called it the Dark Ages.

Kade considered it among the Dark Ages considering what he had to do every night to make sure that the Choi household remained in tact.

While Mr. Choi lived his life of luxury, Kade swam through the night amongst a pool of blood.
And he was almost tired of it.

"Another night?" Kade sighed, pulling up the rest of his boot, stomping down on the heel, before standing up when Cyril entered the apartment.

"Unfortunately." Cyril seemed as tired of the repetitive tasks as Kade did.
Questions like, when would this be over, or, why couldn't they do anything but kill people, were undoubtedly running through both their heads.

Kade sighed audibly, but didn't say anything else as he pulled his hood and mask up over his head.

"I'll talk to him, see if you can do something else soon." Cyril promised, which Kade just nodded along with considering he didn't believe that Cyril could honestly do that much when it came to what Mr. Choi wanted Kade to do.
If Mr. Choi was honestly having Kade do one thing this consistently, then he had no other use for him and wouldn't change a thing.

One could only hope.

Regardless, Kade couldn't get out of tonight's mission.

He and Cyril ran through the night mostly unnoticeable, the only exception being that Cyril's footsteps weren't as quiet as they could be.

Just like any other job, Cyril waited outside, his size having grown to be too difficult to hide indoors, and would often make the target alert and more difficult to take out.

Just easy and painless. That's all Kade wanted.

  He hovered over yet another bed, staring at yet another man he had to end the life of.

A quick in and out of the knife, covering his mouth to hold it shut, muffling any noise the man made. Eyes flashed open in shock, then rolled back into his head.

"Sorry it had to be this way." Kade muttered, using his ghostly delicate hand to shut the man's eyes as he stood once again, having been crouched over him in his bed.

"It's done?" Cyril didn't have to ask, if Kade exited the building, the job was done.

But he still nodded and the two set off once again.

They were almost back to the apartment when the sound of a gun going off had Kade dropping to the ground so fast, he'd probably have to pick gravel out of his chin.

He hadn't even realized that his cheek had been grazed by the bullet until the blood filled his mouth, that's when he knew he was in trouble. He had been seen enough to be hit that close.

Someone had sharp enough eyes to find Kade in the shadows in the first place.
And that was dangerous.
He immediately ducked into the shadows even further, almost running headfirst into Cyril's chest.

Cyril briefly glanced over what was visible of Kade's face, his eyes fixating on the cut in the fabric on Kade's mask, his thumb pushing it aside to wipe the blood.
"They saw you?"

Kade nodded briefly, and Cyril's face twisted into a scowl.

"Run!" Cyril's voice envicted Kade's flight response, as he suddenly sounded panicked, and Kade felt something propel him into moving forwards.

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